Monday, 22 November 2021
  11 Replies
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I have some questions about the nature of the sperm extraction campaigns done by extraterrestrials. (Link will be procided.) Master Samael says they could seduce 'any one of us' humans in order to create the 6th root race. That the e.t's have already been impregnated by earthly men.

Firstly, why would they seduce' us? Isn't it wrong to have lustful sex? Wrong to orgasm? And yet the e.t's would do this to us? Wouldn't having sex with and being coerced into impregnating extraterrestrials be classifued as adultery/fornication? If it were humans, certainly it would be the case. Do the e.t's have special moral rights? On what criteria do they choose who to seduce and mate with? Am I missing any important details that might clarify my confusion? (Sorry if my questions seem antagonistic, I just want to know)

Secondly, master samael references cases of men being transported out of the earth but not women? Are earthly women of no significance to the 6th root race? Please let me know if he has (maybe i just never read it)
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
I want to add on to the previous points by addressing some presumptions regarding the nature of divine help and the internal causes of our humanity’s current situation. As evidenced by the increasing prevalence of UFO or UAP sightings, extraterrestrials have and continue to announce themselves. We also teach humanity how to best come into contact with them, which is through dream yoga and astral travel.

Physically meeting extraterrestrials will not replace the serious work of annihilating the ego. This is the primary focus of our studies. Unfortunately, most are not interested in changing psychologically. They want easy fixes to complicated problems, preferring to rely on external sources of inspiration rather than their own Being. As demonstrated by the history of our earth, we crucify, torture, slander, betray, and poison the prophets, who precisely are the direct emissaries of the higher worlds and conscious humanities. This is why extraterrestrials contact people who dedicate themselves seriously to chastity and the elimination of the ego. But so long as our minds and hearts are clouded by negative emotions, we will never truly perceive the truth of our situation and that of extraterrestrials.

Nevertheless, the reality is that extraterrestrials are already among us, many of them in cities across the world and in the Gnostic movement. They walk the streets without being recognized, and for that reason remain free from harassment. Anonymity is actually the reason why many extraterrestrials and the members of Glorian are able to be as helpful and effective as possible, since anonymity buffers against the problems of personality cults and persecution. People are simply too dangerous, too selfish, as evidenced by our world’s militaries and the fanaticism of religious movements. This is why people always project their own innate horrors and degeneration onto the reality of extraterrestrials, preferring to see their desires, as documented by the fear-mongering propaganda of our entertainment industries, rather than the actuality.

To second Alexis’ comments in another thread, I have also been helped tremendously by extraterrestrials. This is only because I decided to observe, comprehend, and eliminate certain negative emotions that made me sick. Also, fulfilling chastity heals the astral senses, without which we cannot access genuine knowledge. Without transmutation, we cannot awaken our two witnesses so as to experience, according to Samael Aun Weor, the reality of extraterrestrials:

The two witnesses will talk before the great cataclysm that is approaching.

Before the dreadful catastrophe that is approaching, the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the human multitudes from Mars, Mercury, Venus, and other planets will come in their cosmic ships to the planet Earth.

These brethren humanities from other planets will come in order to teach us law and order.

So, we will have the opportunity of listening to the words of the Son of Man.

Then... Woe to those who will abhor the Son of Man! Woe to those who abhor the Great Arcanum... Woe to those who will continue spilling the semen!

The human beings of this planet Earth have thrown themselves into the conquering of space, and soon they will knock upon the doors of other inhabited worlds with their ships.

The consequences of their audacity will be the answer of the Son of Man. Then, “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him.”

The Son of Man is the divine humanity. The Son of Man is represented by the superior multitudes of other inhabited worlds.

Every cosmic rocket launched up into space is placing us closer to this great cosmic event. Then, woe to those who will not accept the last words of the Son of Man!

Afterwards, the great cataclysm will occur! —Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message: “The Two Witnesses”
Clouds in the higher worlds symbolize obscurations, obtrusive thoughts, negativity, and the sleep of the consciousness. However, we are already seeing with our physical eyes many cosmic ships, even though we are too clouded in our judgment to understand these phenomena.

When you resurrect your two witnesses through chastity, then these beings visit you in the internal worlds. Then you can directly perceive whether or not they are fornicators. But first one must remove the psychological conditions that make any of us sick: pessimism, skepticism, anger, doubt, resentment, and avoidance, especially. No one is more responsible for our own actions than ourselves, not even Sakaki.

Some questions to consider: can extraterrestrials substitute the assistance of our Inner God? Can they replace the wisdom of our own Being? Can they eliminate our pride, anger, and lust? Samael Aun Weor explained that the greatest joy of the Gnostic is the discovery of one of his defects, since a discovered defect will become a dead defect. While it is beautiful to meet other humanities, no one can do this difficult work but us. Only our direct experience of our Being can provide solace, confidence, and faith. Even if extraterrestrials appear and speak to us in the physical world, they will merely iterate what we already know about the teachings. Better yet, they will see if we are applying it or not. If not, why would they make their appearance when we are dangerous? If we are truly enemies of our own weaknesses, then extraterrestrials will arrive at our astral doorstep, because we have laid our spiritual foundations on the rock of chastity, ethics, and service. Without psychological work, no good can come to us, because we do not fulfill the necessary conditions for its fulfillment. One of the fundamental stipulations of karmic law is that of compensation: we cannot receive the consequence of an action we have not committed. We also know from the basics of this teaching that when we fundamentally change our level of being, then new circumstances, situations, and communities open to us. The same applies to meeting divine beings. Therefore, infinite patience is needed to become competent in astral travel, so that you can directly see the superhuman efforts the solar humanities are making to help people, even if cursed, spat upon, and misunderstood.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

2 years ago
would any instructor be willing to enlighten me on these matters?
2 years ago
Extraterrestrials are not fornicators, but are conscious citizens of the cosmos. They know how to extract one sperm to impregnate one ovum in the same manner as described in The Yellow Book.

Samael Aun Weor stated that only real men (Manas: Tiphereth, solar humans) will be populating the next root race once all of their ego is dead.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 years ago
Extraterrestrials are not fornicators, but are conscious citizens of the cosmos. They know how to extract one sperm to impregnate one ovum in the same manner as described in The Yellow Book.

Samael Aun Weor stated that only real men (Manas: Tiphereth, solar humans) will be populating the next root race once all of their ego is dead.

I appreciate your response very much. I will read up on the yellow book and expand my knowledge.
Alphonse selected the reply #26634 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
Alphonse selected the reply #26634 as the answer for this post — 2 years ago
1 year ago
I have some questions about the nature of the sperm extraction campaigns done by extraterrestrials. (Link will be procided.) Master Samael says they could seduce 'any one of us' humans in order to create the 6th root race. That the e.t's have already been impregnated by earthly men.

Firstly, why would they seduce' us? Isn't it wrong to have lustful sex? Wrong to orgasm? And yet the e.t's would do this to us? Wouldn't having sex with and being coerced into impregnating extraterrestrials be classifued as adultery/fornication? If it were humans, certainly it would be the case. Do the e.t's have special moral rights? On what criteria do they choose who to seduce and mate with? Am I missing any important details that might clarify my confusion? (Sorry if my questions seem antagonistic, I just want to know)

Secondly, master samael references cases of men being transported out of the earth but not women? Are earthly women of no significance to the 6th root race? Please let me know if he has (maybe i just never read it)

If Glorian doesn't mind me replying, considering the case of Antônio Vilas-Boas (animation on YouTube) who was abducted and fornicated with an E.T., I believe fornication tends to happen just on our side, not theirs. They just do their job performing the sexual act in a psychologically serene state. In Antonio's case, he lustfully spilled the semen and at the same time, provided his seed. I believe the E.T. make conscious judgements and compromises like this for the greater good. To let one lad ejaculate and take a year or two to recharge his kundalini is not a very big compromise in order to help continue an E.T. species.
1 year ago
I have some questions about the nature of the sperm extraction campaigns done by extraterrestrials. (Link will be procided.) Master Samael says they could seduce 'any one of us' humans in order to create the 6th root race. That the e.t's have already been impregnated by earthly men.

Firstly, why would they seduce' us? Isn't it wrong to have lustful sex? Wrong to orgasm? And yet the e.t's would do this to us? Wouldn't having sex with and being coerced into impregnating extraterrestrials be classifued as adultery/fornication? If it were humans, certainly it would be the case. Do the e.t's have special moral rights? On what criteria do they choose who to seduce and mate with? Am I missing any important details that might clarify my confusion? (Sorry if my questions seem antagonistic, I just want to know)

Secondly, master samael references cases of men being transported out of the earth but not women? Are earthly women of no significance to the 6th root race? Please let me know if he has (maybe i just never read it)

If Glorian doesn't mind me replying, considering the case of Antônio Vilas-Boas (animation on YouTube) who was abducted and fornicated with an E.T., I believe fornication tends to happen just on our side, not theirs. They just do their job performing the sexual act in a psychologically serene state. In Antonio's case, he lustfully spilled the semen and at the same time, provided his seed. I believe the E.T. make conscious judgements and compromises like this for the greater good. To let one lad ejaculate and take a year or two to recharge his kundalini is not a very big compromise in order to help continue an E.T. species.

Hmm... this sounds very reasonable but I'm not entirely convinced that we have the full story here. Samael always talked about how orgasms are super sinful and uses a plethora of words to denounce orgasm. So if extraterrrestrials are very clearly fornicating or only causing humans to fornicate with them for the greater good (as you have suggested), it'd suggest that maybe the orgasm isn't as bad as Samael made it out to be. Because REMEMBER. Extraterrestrials are these 'super scientific' people as suggested by samael so why can't they just use a special device to take out a single sperm? That'd remove the necessity for any sexual activity. Instead, here are these alien women having straight up intercourse with human men. This is fornication by any definition of the word and I don't understand why Al Mustafa hasn't agreed with me or conceded this fact...
Alphonse marked this post as Unresolved — 1 year ago
1 year ago
I have some questions about the nature of the sperm extraction campaigns done by extraterrestrials. (Link will be procided.) Master Samael says they could seduce 'any one of us' humans in order to create the 6th root race. That the e.t's have already been impregnated by earthly men.

Firstly, why would they seduce' us? Isn't it wrong to have lustful sex? Wrong to orgasm? And yet the e.t's would do this to us? Wouldn't having sex with and being coerced into impregnating extraterrestrials be classifued as adultery/fornication? If it were humans, certainly it would be the case. Do the e.t's have special moral rights? On what criteria do they choose who to seduce and mate with? Am I missing any important details that might clarify my confusion? (Sorry if my questions seem antagonistic, I just want to know)

Secondly, master samael references cases of men being transported out of the earth but not women? Are earthly women of no significance to the 6th root race? Please let me know if he has (maybe i just never read it)

If Glorian doesn't mind me replying, considering the case of Antônio Vilas-Boas (animation on YouTube) who was abducted and fornicated with an E.T., I believe fornication tends to happen just on our side, not theirs. They just do their job performing the sexual act in a psychologically serene state. In Antonio's case, he lustfully spilled the semen and at the same time, provided his seed. I believe the E.T. make conscious judgements and compromises like this for the greater good. To let one lad ejaculate and take a year or two to recharge his kundalini is not a very big compromise in order to help continue an E.T. species.

Hmm... this sounds very reasonable but I'm not entirely convinced that we have the full story here. Samael always talked about how orgasms are super sinful and uses a plethora of words to denounce orgasm. So if extraterrrestrials are very clearly fornicating or only causing humans to fornicate with them for the greater good (as you have suggested), it'd suggest that maybe the orgasm isn't as bad as Samael made it out to be. Because REMEMBER. Extraterrestrials are these 'super scientific' people as suggested by samael so why can't they just use a special device to take out a single sperm? That'd remove the necessity for any sexual activity. Instead, here are these alien women having straight up intercourse with human men. This is fornication by any definition of the word and I don't understand why Al Mustafa hasn't agreed with me or conceded this fact...

Alright so I think they deleted my first response/comment but I'll just mention again that there was a woman featured on Demi Lovato's show I think, who had multiple miscarriages and eventually was able to meet all her extraterrestrial hybrid children in the astral plane on board E.T. craft and so forth.

I'm not sure why the female E.T. grunted like that in the video... like a lustful grunt... Not too sure. Maybe to save their own race and because the remote, no contact sex technology is too advanced for some species?
1 year ago
I have some questions about the nature of the sperm extraction campaigns done by extraterrestrials. (Link will be procided.) Master Samael says they could seduce 'any one of us' humans in order to create the 6th root race. That the e.t's have already been impregnated by earthly men.

Firstly, why would they seduce' us? Isn't it wrong to have lustful sex? Wrong to orgasm? And yet the e.t's would do this to us? Wouldn't having sex with and being coerced into impregnating extraterrestrials be classifued as adultery/fornication? If it were humans, certainly it would be the case. Do the e.t's have special moral rights? On what criteria do they choose who to seduce and mate with? Am I missing any important details that might clarify my confusion? (Sorry if my questions seem antagonistic, I just want to know)

Secondly, master samael references cases of men being transported out of the earth but not women? Are earthly women of no significance to the 6th root race? Please let me know if he has (maybe i just never read it)

If Glorian doesn't mind me replying, considering the case of Antônio Vilas-Boas (animation on YouTube) who was abducted and fornicated with an E.T., I believe fornication tends to happen just on our side, not theirs. They just do their job performing the sexual act in a psychologically serene state. In Antonio's case, he lustfully spilled the semen and at the same time, provided his seed. I believe the E.T. make conscious judgements and compromises like this for the greater good. To let one lad ejaculate and take a year or two to recharge his kundalini is not a very big compromise in order to help continue an E.T. species.

Hmm... this sounds very reasonable but I'm not entirely convinced that we have the full story here. Samael always talked about how orgasms are super sinful and uses a plethora of words to denounce orgasm. So if extraterrrestrials are very clearly fornicating or only causing humans to fornicate with them for the greater good (as you have suggested), it'd suggest that maybe the orgasm isn't as bad as Samael made it out to be. Because REMEMBER. Extraterrestrials are these 'super scientific' people as suggested by samael so why can't they just use a special device to take out a single sperm? That'd remove the necessity for any sexual activity. Instead, here are these alien women having straight up intercourse with human men. This is fornication by any definition of the word and I don't understand why Al Mustafa hasn't agreed with me or conceded this fact...

Alright so I think they deleted my first response/comment but I'll just mention again that there was a woman featured on Demi Lovato's show I think, who had multiple miscarriages and eventually was able to meet all her extraterrestrial hybrid children in the astral plane on board E.T. craft and so forth.

I'm not sure why the female E.T. grunted like that in the video... like a lustful grunt... Not too sure. Maybe to save their own race and because the remote, no contact sex technology is too advanced for some species?

It's unfortunate that these aliens are so insistent on being anonymous. They help no one by not announcing themselves. What's even sadder is that Glorian claims to be in contact with aliens but even Glorian has no intention of introducing these aliens to us. Imagine if on one of these gnostic retreats an alien was there too. Could you imagine how much morale that would boost??? The gnostic movement would gain plenty of traction and SO MANY people would become realized.

But glorian is too selfish. This is the only answer. These aliens are also selfish. Keep in mind that the archangel sakaki was also a fool who caused humanity to suffer immensely by implanting the 'kundabuffer organ' in humanity for longer than necessary. So what can we infer? Indeed, these foreign intelligences are a fornicating, unhelpful people who aren't FREE from making mistakes. Samael himself has conceded that even these advanced beings can and DO make dumb decisions. It's time for aliens and glorian to wake up to the amount of GOOD that they can do.
1 year ago
I think Master Samael mentions something related here:
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
I want to add on to the previous points by addressing some presumptions regarding the nature of divine help and the internal causes of our humanity’s current situation. As evidenced by the increasing prevalence of UFO or UAP sightings, extraterrestrials have and continue to announce themselves. We also teach humanity how to best come into contact with them, which is through dream yoga and astral travel.

Physically meeting extraterrestrials will not replace the serious work of annihilating the ego. This is the primary focus of our studies. Unfortunately, most are not interested in changing psychologically. They want easy fixes to complicated problems, preferring to rely on external sources of inspiration rather than their own Being. As demonstrated by the history of our earth, we crucify, torture, slander, betray, and poison the prophets, who precisely are the direct emissaries of the higher worlds and conscious humanities. This is why extraterrestrials contact people who dedicate themselves seriously to chastity and the elimination of the ego. But so long as our minds and hearts are clouded by negative emotions, we will never truly perceive the truth of our situation and that of extraterrestrials.

Nevertheless, the reality is that extraterrestrials are already among us, many of them in cities across the world and in the Gnostic movement. They walk the streets without being recognized, and for that reason remain free from harassment. Anonymity is actually the reason why many extraterrestrials and the members of Glorian are able to be as helpful and effective as possible, since anonymity buffers against the problems of personality cults and persecution. People are simply too dangerous, too selfish, as evidenced by our world’s militaries and the fanaticism of religious movements. This is why people always project their own innate horrors and degeneration onto the reality of extraterrestrials, preferring to see their desires, as documented by the fear-mongering propaganda of our entertainment industries, rather than the actuality.

To second Alexis’ comments in another thread, I have also been helped tremendously by extraterrestrials. This is only because I decided to observe, comprehend, and eliminate certain negative emotions that made me sick. Also, fulfilling chastity heals the astral senses, without which we cannot access genuine knowledge. Without transmutation, we cannot awaken our two witnesses so as to experience, according to Samael Aun Weor, the reality of extraterrestrials:

The two witnesses will talk before the great cataclysm that is approaching.

Before the dreadful catastrophe that is approaching, the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the human multitudes from Mars, Mercury, Venus, and other planets will come in their cosmic ships to the planet Earth.

These brethren humanities from other planets will come in order to teach us law and order.

So, we will have the opportunity of listening to the words of the Son of Man.

Then... Woe to those who will abhor the Son of Man! Woe to those who abhor the Great Arcanum... Woe to those who will continue spilling the semen!

The human beings of this planet Earth have thrown themselves into the conquering of space, and soon they will knock upon the doors of other inhabited worlds with their ships.

The consequences of their audacity will be the answer of the Son of Man. Then, “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him.”

The Son of Man is the divine humanity. The Son of Man is represented by the superior multitudes of other inhabited worlds.

Every cosmic rocket launched up into space is placing us closer to this great cosmic event. Then, woe to those who will not accept the last words of the Son of Man!

Afterwards, the great cataclysm will occur! —Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message: “The Two Witnesses”
Clouds in the higher worlds symbolize obscurations, obtrusive thoughts, negativity, and the sleep of the consciousness. However, we are already seeing with our physical eyes many cosmic ships, even though we are too clouded in our judgment to understand these phenomena.

When you resurrect your two witnesses through chastity, then these beings visit you in the internal worlds. Then you can directly perceive whether or not they are fornicators. But first one must remove the psychological conditions that make any of us sick: pessimism, skepticism, anger, doubt, resentment, and avoidance, especially. No one is more responsible for our own actions than ourselves, not even Sakaki.

Some questions to consider: can extraterrestrials substitute the assistance of our Inner God? Can they replace the wisdom of our own Being? Can they eliminate our pride, anger, and lust? Samael Aun Weor explained that the greatest joy of the Gnostic is the discovery of one of his defects, since a discovered defect will become a dead defect. While it is beautiful to meet other humanities, no one can do this difficult work but us. Only our direct experience of our Being can provide solace, confidence, and faith. Even if extraterrestrials appear and speak to us in the physical world, they will merely iterate what we already know about the teachings. Better yet, they will see if we are applying it or not. If not, why would they make their appearance when we are dangerous? If we are truly enemies of our own weaknesses, then extraterrestrials will arrive at our astral doorstep, because we have laid our spiritual foundations on the rock of chastity, ethics, and service. Without psychological work, no good can come to us, because we do not fulfill the necessary conditions for its fulfillment. One of the fundamental stipulations of karmic law is that of compensation: we cannot receive the consequence of an action we have not committed. We also know from the basics of this teaching that when we fundamentally change our level of being, then new circumstances, situations, and communities open to us. The same applies to meeting divine beings. Therefore, infinite patience is needed to become competent in astral travel, so that you can directly see the superhuman efforts the solar humanities are making to help people, even if cursed, spat upon, and misunderstood.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

1 year ago
I want to add on to the previous points by addressing some presumptions regarding the nature of divine help and the internal causes of our humanity’s current situation. As evidenced by the increasing prevalence of UFO or UAP sightings, extraterrestrials have and continue to announce themselves. We also teach humanity how to best come into contact with them, which is through dream yoga and astral travel.

Physically meeting extraterrestrials will not replace the serious work of annihilating the ego. This is the primary focus of our studies. Unfortunately, most are not interested in changing psychologically. They want easy fixes to complicated problems, preferring to rely on external sources of inspiration rather than their own Being. As demonstrated by the history of our earth, we crucify, torture, slander, betray, and poison the prophets, who precisely are the direct emissaries of the higher worlds and conscious humanities. This is why extraterrestrials contact people who dedicate themselves seriously to chastity and the elimination of the ego. But so long as our minds and hearts are clouded by negative emotions, we will never truly perceive the truth of our situation and that of extraterrestrials.

Nevertheless, the reality is that extraterrestrials are already among us, many of them in cities across the world and in the Gnostic movement. They walk the streets without being recognized, and for that reason remain free from harassment. Anonymity is actually the reason why many extraterrestrials and the members of Glorian are able to be as helpful and effective as possible, since anonymity buffers against the problems of personality cults and persecution. People are simply too dangerous, too selfish, as evidenced by our world’s militaries and the fanaticism of religious movements. This is why people always project their own innate horrors and degeneration onto the reality of extraterrestrials, preferring to see their desires, as documented by the fear-mongering propaganda of our entertainment industries, rather than the actuality.

To second Alexis’ comments in another thread, I have also been helped tremendously by extraterrestrials. This is only because I decided to observe, comprehend, and eliminate certain negative emotions that made me sick. Also, fulfilling chastity heals the astral senses, without which we cannot access genuine knowledge. Without transmutation, we cannot awaken our two witnesses so as to experience, according to Samael Aun Weor, the reality of extraterrestrials:

The two witnesses will talk before the great cataclysm that is approaching.

Before the dreadful catastrophe that is approaching, the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the human multitudes from Mars, Mercury, Venus, and other planets will come in their cosmic ships to the planet Earth.

These brethren humanities from other planets will come in order to teach us law and order.

So, we will have the opportunity of listening to the words of the Son of Man.

Then... Woe to those who will abhor the Son of Man! Woe to those who abhor the Great Arcanum... Woe to those who will continue spilling the semen!

The human beings of this planet Earth have thrown themselves into the conquering of space, and soon they will knock upon the doors of other inhabited worlds with their ships.

The consequences of their audacity will be the answer of the Son of Man. Then, “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him.”

The Son of Man is the divine humanity. The Son of Man is represented by the superior multitudes of other inhabited worlds.

Every cosmic rocket launched up into space is placing us closer to this great cosmic event. Then, woe to those who will not accept the last words of the Son of Man!

Afterwards, the great cataclysm will occur! —Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message: “The Two Witnesses”
Clouds in the higher worlds symbolize obscurations, obtrusive thoughts, negativity, and the sleep of the consciousness. However, we are already seeing with our physical eyes many cosmic ships, even though we are too clouded in our judgment to understand these phenomena.

When you resurrect your two witnesses through chastity, then these beings visit you in the internal worlds. Then you can directly perceive whether or not they are fornicators. But first one must remove the psychological conditions that make any of us sick: pessimism, skepticism, anger, doubt, resentment, and avoidance, especially. No one is more responsible for our own actions than ourselves, not even Sakaki.

Some questions to consider: can extraterrestrials substitute the assistance of our Inner God? Can they replace the wisdom of our own Being? Can they eliminate our pride, anger, and lust? Samael Aun Weor explained that the greatest joy of the Gnostic is the discovery of one of his defects, since a discovered defect will become a dead defect. While it is beautiful to meet other humanities, no one can do this difficult work but us. Only our direct experience of our Being can provide solace, confidence, and faith. Even if extraterrestrials appear and speak to us in the physical world, they will merely iterate what we already know about the teachings. Better yet, they will see if we are applying it or not. If not, why would they make their appearance when we are dangerous? If we are truly enemies of our own weaknesses, then extraterrestrials will arrive at our astral doorstep, because we have laid our spiritual foundations on the rock of chastity, ethics, and service. Without psychological work, no good can come to us, because we do not fulfill the necessary conditions for its fulfillment. One of the fundamental stipulations of karmic law is that of compensation: we cannot receive the consequence of an action we have not committed. We also know from the basics of this teaching that when we fundamentally change our level of being, then new circumstances, situations, and communities open to us. The same applies to meeting divine beings. Therefore, infinite patience is needed to become competent in astral travel, so that you can directly see the superhuman efforts the solar humanities are making to help people, even if cursed, spat upon, and misunderstood.

Your response is appreciated Benedictus. It appears the instructors have been particularly busy these days, as many of our quotes and questions have not yet received input.
1 year ago
naww, that's not right...

anonymity is definitely protection against persecution. We certainly have to earn spiritual experiences like E.T. contact. A physical E.T. that Glorian can introduce to us is mm... maybe they have one of them on the sidelines somewhere, maybe not. The majority of E.T. are certainly going way out of their way to help us though. It's my guess that only a couple of them are less evolved and continue to fornicate to a degree, but that's really just me judging by Antonio Vilas Boas's case.

We'll have to continue to inspect the E.T. in the astral plane, as I have been really surprised by just how many I've come across over the past few months. I mean we're really mingling these days haha. I can't tell right away if they're fornicators yet and I don't recognize them until I notice that some of them aren't familiar with earthling social norms. one of them did this weird, "pss pss, psspsspss pss" thing near me before he took his astral Door Dash order away lol. I said dude, I have no idea what that means and he explained that it was their lazy, half-fast way of giving a proof of transaction when exchanging goods.
Almustafa selected the reply #28910 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
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