By Badr on Thursday, 18 April 2024
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I've been struggling trying to astral travel lately, no luck, no dreams even, few bad ones but rarely, I got a dream lately, in the beach near my hometown, someone I don't remember who, took me to a black master I believe, I don't mean black lodge, black skin, he told me ' just follow the light', does that mean anything?
does that mean anything?

Every dream is a valuable message:
There are no false dream experiences; even the most absurd dreams—if they are interpreted based on the law of philosophical analogies—contain magnificent revelations.

Here is a page with relevant resources:

It is necessary to study and practice kabbalistic symbolism in order to understand our dreams, no one else can really interpret them for us. We will give you ideas about the mentioned symbols, but ultimately only you can find out yourself what is the true meaning of your dreams:
- beach: place at the sea / waters -> waters often refer to our sexual waters ... how did the sea look like (clean, dirty, calm, wavy, etc.? ... answer these questions to yourself)
- hometown: the part of our psychological landscape that relates to those egos / psychological elements that were relevant when we grew up. But can also mean an inner psychological place where we are close to our (divine) parents ...
- Master: it's always good to listen to their advice

Try these ideas, but please be aware that there may be different meaning for your individual case.
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