By Kathy Goodman on Thursday, 25 January 2024
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Good morning Glorian instructors,

Thank you for your devotion to the path and for spreading the Gnostic teachings to humanity. Your work and sacrifices have helped me tremendously.

I recently learned that if we interfere in a situation that affects another person's karma, even if it is well-intentioned, our own karma can be affected by that.

For example, my neighbor parks in the handicapped spot every night (he's not handicapped) and takes up the spot from someone who may actually need it. If I call and have his car towed, and he has to pay hundreds to get his car back, am I taking on any negative karma for that? What about interfering in more serious situations like reporting or stopping abuse or a crime?

I assumed that being a good citizen is considered a good deed that would pay off karmic debts, but now I'm unsure. Should I just ignore these types of things and let the law handle them, or is it my duty to speak up even if it doesn't directly affect me?

Many thanks.
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