By David Keyston on Thursday, 28 December 2023
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I was wondering if the word "parakletos" is masculine or feminine. I have not found any source for this. Thank you.
In Greek every noun and pronoun is assigned a specific gender. Even nouns that do not refer to humans may be masculine or feminine. For example, ἄρτος (the Greek word for “bread”) is masculine, even though the object to which it refers is neither male nor female.

Similarly, some words that do refer to humans are assigned neuter gender. For example παιδίον (a Greek word for “child”) is neuter, even though any given child is either male or female. The word κοράσιον (“girl”) is neuter even though it always refers to a female. Gender in Greek is a matter of grammar, not biological sex, even though most words that refer exclusively to males are assigned masculine gender and most words referring exclusively to females are assigned feminine gender. (

in grammar, παράκλητος can be either masculine or feminine.

in grammar, παράκλητον is genderless.

the grammar is not related to the spiritual or biological gender of παράκλητος
6 months ago
0 Votes
Thank you for the above. However, while this may be useful in some contexts, it does not answer my question. Do you know if the gender of the word parakletos is masculine or feminine? Thank you.
5 months ago
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