By Joshua Jenkins on Wednesday, 20 September 2023
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Greetings and my genuine thanks to the person who will answer this, and to the entire Glorian team for the huge sacrifices made to publicize these teachings. I now understand very well why the master Samael Aun Weor reccomends vegetarianism in a cautious manner. I practiced not eating meat for a period of 4 months and after returning to meat-eating it left me with weakened vitality that I now have to work to regain. One of my symptoms now causing me the most suffering is that almost everything I eat now gives me stomach issues the next day, leaving me tired and not-well rested from the night before. Is there an exercise perhaps given by the master that strengthens the digestive fires of the entestines, perhaps a specific pranayama exercise? Before I tried vegetarianism, I could practically eat anything with no problems. I don't eat processed foods and rarely fast food. Thanks, again, as always.
8 months ago
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