Saturday, 25 March 2023
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In accordance with this passage

The merchants of Maralpleicie preserved and sealed the fruits in what then was known as Sikha Renenians vessels. These types of vessels were made out of finely crushed mother of pearl, the egg yolk of a hen and the tail of the Esturion Choozna Fish.

Such vessels looked like very beautiful jars of glass that have not been finely polished. They were adorned with exotic, marvelously colored oriental forms of great beauty.

After severe analysis, the ancient sages comprehend that malignant beauty existed there.

Their scientific studies allowed them to verify that food stored in such vessels turned into poison for the organism.

Multiple laboratory tests brought these sages to the following conclusion: that food bottled up in such hermetically sealed vessels become toxic.

All the sages of that ancient country discovered (among many other bad things) that the unfortunate consumers of these vessels lost their modesty and became shameless in respect to their organism.

The governments of that time acted with more sense than the vain, modern governments of this tenebrous epoch in which we living in today.

Governments then radically prohibited the use of hermetically sealed vessels for food.

The vessels in these times are worse than the vessels of ancient times. Canned food has brought grave sicknesses to the human species. - Social Transformation of Humanity by Samael Aun Weor 1965

Would storing bone broth or other food in a glass jar and putting it in the fridge/freezer cause negative effects? How about fermented vegetables in jars such as sour kraut or pickles? What is the impact of this? Does food lose its vitality when frozen or stored for long periods of time? Or does this only apply to hermetically sealed by heating?
Would it be better to use something like a clay jar for fermenting foods than a sealed glass one?
1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Glass storage containers are ideal since they do not have the negative side effects of canned storage, plus glass can be also used to store frozen foods. Freezing vegetables is fine, especially in glass containers. I do not remember where this is specifically answered, but you can learn about the different effects of glass storage containers and other health tidbits from the following lecture series:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

1 year ago
Accepted Answer
Glass storage containers are ideal since they do not have the negative side effects of canned storage, plus glass can be also used to store frozen foods. Freezing vegetables is fine, especially in glass containers. I do not remember where this is specifically answered, but you can learn about the different effects of glass storage containers and other health tidbits from the following lecture series:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

Almustafa selected the reply #29088 as the answer for this post — 1 year ago
Thank you for your answer. The healthy spirituality course has been a blessing. Especially the information from the Weston A Price Foundation. Prior, I was a vegan/vegetarian for about a year. Who knows the damage if I continued on that path?
8 months ago
Greetings to the Glorian team and peace to all; I had a question that I found suitable to include in this thread: what is the gnostic perspective on artificial vitamins? Do they function identically as natural vitamins? Chemists say that whether the vitamin is natural or artificial, the chemical formula is the same and so its functions are no different. How true is this? I especially ask because I suspect I might have a certain vitamin deficiency, and what does this mean for people who have vitamin deficiencies show up on blood tests?

Dietary guidelines state to avoid modern diets such as those that add synthetic vitamins to foods.

Alexis (Gnostic Instructor), mentioned in one answer to a question that
"Supplements and other medicinal treatments should only be short term help, not long term treatment, because the body will stop trying to go on its own, and learn to depend on the substances you are giving it. This will result in long term harm." -

He also mentioned:
Personally, I do not take vitamins, or really, pills of any kind. I prefer to be nourished from natural sources rather than a factory. So, I do my best to eat a diversity of fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains. If you need vitamin A and D, they are plentiful in easy to find foods, and even sunlight."

Samael Aun Weor mentioned in one of his books/lectures that scientists were able to make a cell with the same physical components as an organic cell. But it did not have life. This is because it is missing the etheric aspect. Likewise, when we eat food, it is not just the physical aspect we are consuming. We are also nourishing other aspects as well. This is why synthetic foods and grafted vegetables are not recommended.

"Modern scientists are very far from even suspecting that when any plant is grafted it cannot capture the special type of cosmic vibratory waves that are fundamental and necessary for life; therefore, it is logical that within the vital depths of such fruits an adulteration is produced." - Samael Aun Weor

We need to nourish all our bodies, not just the physical. That is why this instructor states:
"Well the mantra Krim is the mantra that you utilize in order to extract the energies of what we eat and to place them not only in the physical body but in the vital body, in the astral body, in the mental body and even to God. That is why it is written when we eat it has to be like a ritual mostly when we eat we have to remember God and pronounce the mantra Krim in order for that energy to go to the higher level of the seventh body. The human being has to be nourished in the seven bodies. That is why we say if you eat a grafted fruit, you are only feeding your physical body because an adulterated fruit does not have the energy necessary for the astral body, for the mental body, for the causal body, for the spiritual body. This is why when humanity eats this kind of fruit they lose their morals because they are not feeding their heart (emotions), their head (mind) only their physical body." - Gnostic Instructor,
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