By LM on Tuesday, 26 April 2016
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This may sound foolish or egoistic, but

I'm really not sure if I love humanity enough, at this point, to believe I am motivated to serve, sacrifice, dedicate myself wholly to the well-being of others or humanity.
I would like to be ultimately guided by divine will and realise my being but I just don't feel that level of compassion for humanity as a whole.
I also realise that, at this point, I struggle to comprehend the oneness of us, and am not always aware of / looking for the divine in others or myself.
But it worries me. I don't know what this means as I begin on the path.
Compassion is the natural expression of the unconditioned consciousness. As you work on eliminating your defects, your compassion will naturally be freed, and expand by exercising it.

Eventually, through psychological work eliminating defects, your compassion can become a great power.

To make this more profound, train yourself daily to be attentive to the suffering of others; observe them, feel what they feel, consider how your actions affects others. Pray for help in this regard.

I also recommend studying the teachings of the great, compassionate masters: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, etc.
8 years ago
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