By Glorian Publishing on Thursday, 26 April 2012
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I have been practicing deep breathing practices and I have been noticing one practice in particular (swallowing prana down to the navel) causes me to burp like a geyser. Is it normal for pranayama adherents to burp like a high school football hero?? I mean my burping has become baad, but not in smell just in volume, throughout the day.

Also, while practicing deep breathing particularly during sunset, I get sensations of subtle bliss but these feelings are related more to the beginning stages of passing out. Sometimes this happens in yoga practice too. I feel good but I also feel like I will pass out but I know I won't because I am focused and not light headed...Is this a part of deep breathing exercises?

Since we do not teach or practice the techniques you are describing, we cannot answer your questions.

The pranayamas we practice are specifically for preparation for meditation:
"With the practice of Pranayama the mind of the student is prepared for Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi." - Samael Aun Weor, Kundalini Yoga

In other words, we are seeking to disassociate our attention from physical sensations, and to awaken consciousness and examine internal phenomena, to liberate ourselves from suffering.

"...this magical science of breath (Pranayama), when wisely combined with scientific meditation, allows us to utilize certain sparks, flashes, flames of Kundalini, for the healthy purpose of attaining the awakening of the consciousness." - Samael Aun Weor, The Gnostic Magic of the Runes

During meditation, we should release the Essence, the Buddhata, the best inside of us, the most dignified and decent. Precisely the Essence or Buddhata is enclosed within the inhuman elements or psychological aggregates that constitute the ā€œIā€ or ego.

It is not possible to experience Reality or Truth, that which interests all of us, unless we free the Essence, which is trapped in the ego; if we do not, we will have to continue to live on in a world of dreams, in the intellectual center, emotional center, motor center, instinctive or the sexual centers.


With the technique of meditation what we are looking for is information. With a microscope we can see the life of microbes, bacteria, cells, microorganisms, etc. Any telescope can give us information about the celestial bodies, planets, meteorites, stars, etc. But meditation goes beyond and would permit us to know the Truth from something so small to something as grand as the Sun, the Truth of an atom or a constellation.


During this practice you should keep your eyes closed without thinking of anything. Unfortunately, some desires may hit the mind; we should study them without identifying with them. After these desires have been understood fully in all their aspects, then we are able to disintegrate and destroy them using the spear of Eros.

But if suddenly we remember something that happened to us that brings us rage, what can we do? Stop the rhythmic breathing for a while and try to understand that event which caused that rage in you. Let us study that situation carefully in every detail and disintegrate it with the bistoury (surgical knife) of self-criticism and then forget it and continue our meditation and breathing.

And if suddenly it comes to our mind the memory of a past event of our life that happened ten or twenty years ago, use the same self-criticism and the same bistoury to disintegrate such memory to discover what truth is to be found there.

Continue the meditation and respiration without thinking while chanting the mantra HAM-SAH, lengthening the inhalation with HAM and shortening the exhalation with SAH. Repeat the mantra Hhhhhhaaaaammmmm - Ssssssssaaaaaaahhhhhh, remaining completely calm of mind; only in that way will the Essence be able to escape for a moment in order to submerge herself in Reality. - Samael Aun Weor, Science of Meditation lecture
12 years ago
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