Path of the Bodhisattva
A Free Online Course
The Direct Path to the Absolute
There is one path to ultimate liberation, hidden in the heart mythologies of every great religion, but especially Buddhism and Christianity.
This free online course is a comprehensive overview of the complete path to ultimate liberation from suffering, especially as symbolized in complementary wisdom of Christianity and Buddhism. Discover their shared roots: the ancient science of Gnosis. Learn about the awesome power of the awakened mind, called Bodhichitta (Sanskrit) or Elijah (Hebrew). Explore the revolutionary wisdom of all the world’s great messengers, also called Bodhisattvas (Sanskrit) or Prophets. Enter the most inspiring way of living that exists: the Direct Path to the Absolute (Ain Soph), also called the Path of the Bodhisattva (Bodhisattvayana or Paramitayana), in which the soul incarnates the most divine intelligence in the universe, in order to lead others out of suffering.
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." - Matthew 24:27
"Dharma, Gnosis, or Jnana (in Sanskrit) is a science to awaken consciousness, to utilize consciousness, and to develop it to its fullest potential." - From the course
This course was originally given live and unscripted on Gnostic Radio.
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The Path of the Bodhisattva
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The Perfections (Paramitas)
The Metamorphosis or Transfiguration of the Bodhisattva
The Freedom of Discipline
The Hypostasis of the Bodhisattva
How to Endure Suffering
Theophany or Christophany
Heroic Action
Ecce Homo, the Symbiosis of the Bodhisattva
Dhyana, the Perfection of Meditation
The Metempsychosis of the Bodhisattva
Prajna, the Wisdom of Emptiness
Ouranon Poreuomenon, the Vertical Path to heaven