By Kainen on Wednesday, 01 July 2015
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Hello, let me start of with immense gratitude for this site and the knowledge it holds. You guys will have the best in life. I've read some post about anxiety, as im curious if there's any gnostic perspective on it. I've came across a post that talked about medication was a better option(please correct me if im wrong) I purpose this question; wouldn't comprehension of the psychological process, aided with self observation and awateness, and the transformation of impressions, solve this problem? I understand anxiety is a desire somewhat(socially anxious people desire to be thought of highly, and desire not to be judged negatively. Also, an unconscious defense mechanism from emotional damage to the ego, manifested from negative situation, this is based on my gnosis about it) so couldn't you overcome it by the comprehension of that particular desire? Also, if you understand your trigger( an impression, through comprehension and awareness) couldn't you just start to configure the output to be positive?( anxiety people, over years if repetition, havecreated a neuropathway that automatically associate the situation to a negative emotions , followed by the accompaning thoughts, so we take the task if distributing the negative output with a positive one, and with repetition it would become mechanical, again this is what I understood about myself, please correct me if I'm wrong) wouldn't this be the correct answer to the equation? I would love to hear your thoughts about this great work and would be very grateful for any erroryou can point out, or any wisdom you could share. Again, bless yiu, instructors, and the help you share.
While our tradition provides numerous methods for healing, including: runes, mantras, sexual magic, pranayama, intense prayer, transmutation, and sacred rites, there are many cases of individuals with emotional problems that are so severe that strictly performing these practices to the best of their ability cannot fully counteract the strength of their problem.

While esoteric practice is essential for any transformation, some people with extreme disorders, such as manic depression, emotional disturbance, etc., require extra help on a biochemical level, since their karma has already crystallized into physical, emotional or mental illnesses. Everything requires balance and judgment in terms of treating such ailments, since while some individuals may succeed on a strict and powerful regiment of esoteric exercises, others may require anti-psychotic or anti-depressant medications to help achieve stability.

I know the case of one Gnostic student who is schizophrenic and tried to heal himself exclusively with runes, sacred rites, pranayama, etc. While he managed to last for a few months, he quickly relapsed and became ill again. It was only with a combination of anti-psychotic medication and transmutation, meditation, sacred rites, etc., that he was able to achieve balance, since his mental illness had already crystallized into his physical brain as a neuro-chemical imbalance requiring treatment on a bio-chemical level, not just in the mental or spiritual planes.

Therefore, each individual must follow their Being and be practical. If one needs medication, then so be it. A disciple is not obstructed from obtaining gnosis as a result of a chemical imbalance, and can succeed in yoga and meditation even while being medicated.
8 years ago
2 Votes
Thank you for clarifying that, Benedictus, I appreciate it greatly. Peace.
8 years ago
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