By Owl of Athena on Wednesday, 24 June 2015
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Hello instructors,

I am writing this post in regards to my friend who has type 1 diabetes. I have a couple of questions to ask in regards to this:

1. The insulin which is used is pig insulin; is this insulin affected by the pigs genetic and karmic make-up the same way as when we eat pig we ingest the tenebrous psychological elements of it such as lust etc?

Note: I think he might use plant insulin.

2. Reading through VM Samael Aun Weor's book Endocrinology and Criminology (which is just such a brilliant book and has taught me so much about my own body and endocrine system!) he gives a cure to diabetes:

30 grams of avocado leaves
30 grams of eucalyptus tree leaves
30 grams of walnut tree leaves

Boil the three ingredients in a liter of water.

Dose 3 glasses daily, one before each meal.

Drink for six consecutive months.

Could I have any confirmation of this cure by anyone who might have experience with it? Does it cure type 1 diabetes?

3. Do the leaves have to be dry?

4. Over the course of 6 months how much quantity would have be bought?

5. Would my friend have to stop taking insulin whilst taking this medication?

6. Would it have any adverse affects? Would he have to get worse before he gets better?

7. I have read VM Samael Aun Weor's Esoteric Medicine but the ingredients for cures for diabetes seem to be much harder to attain. Nevertheless, if you have any recommendations towards any other types of cures, could you please help me as it would be greatly appreciated!

Once again, thank-you for your time! God-bless, and may we all grow to help every being along its course.

Greatly appreciated
Each medication works, otherwise they would not be provided.

As you read in the book, the effectiveness of the medication depends on many factors, primarily (1) the karma of the patient, but also (2) the ability / quality of the one who is preparing the medicine.

1. If the karma allows healing, the patient will be healed. Remember: karma can be negotiated.

2. The physical elements of a medicine are just vessels that carry the internal values where the power of medicine is found; that is, the power of the medicine is not in the physical matter, but in the spiritual values. Therefore, to handle those spiritual values is what matters, meaning that if the one who is preparing the medicine is distracted or characterized by some negative quality, the quality of the medicine will be affected. Naturally, the source and quality of the physical matter have an influence, but not nearly as much as the influence of the preparer.

The remainder of your questions are subject to these factors, and are thus too variable and unpredictable to answer definitively.
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