I am interested in understanding further the mysterious origin of the "Kundabuffer Organ". In my studies I have identified two seemingly contradictory explanations.
Firstly, I would like to summarize my understading of the Kundabuffer Organ as the following: "The force of temptation that, when pursued or indulged in, results in the inversion/downward projection of the Christic Essence/Atomic Logos/Sexual Energy." In other words, it is that force which causes the deluded intellectual animal to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Daath, resulting in the creation of the multiplicity of egos, the creation of Satan's tail, and which traps the Essence in the subconsciousness/infraconsciousness/unconsciousness/klipoth, etc. If this understanding, as a concise summary of the concept, is inaccurate, please let me know accordingly if at all possible.
So, assuming I am correct on at least a basic level about what the Kundabuffer Organ actually is, this brings me to my question. In "The Elimination of Satan's Tail" by Samael Aun Weor, Chapter 1 entitled "The Kundabuffer Organ", as I read it the Master explains that the Kundabuffer Organ was purposely installed in the Lemurian root race because at that time the populace had developed to a point where they became increasingly aware of their "mechanical" nature, of that fact that they were serving as a type of energy transformer for the greater world system of the Earth itself. This caused great discord and instability within their developing psyches, even to the point of resulting in suicidal ideations among these peoples. Therefore, the Angelic Council responsible decided upon introducing the Kundabuffer organ to stabilize the upset, as its effect was to fascinate man with the external beauty of material creation.
Along this same line, I believe I have read also, somewhere else perhaps, that the root race was initially a very inwardly-oriented people, and therefore the Kundabuffer was needed to externalize them to some degree, again to create a balance/stability. In any case, it was supposed to be implemented as a temporary measure, and a grave mistake occurred in that it was left for too long, generating 97% ego in the Lemurians. (And as I read further, in other civilizations, typically a maximum of 10% ego is generated when this tool is used. It is then removed in a timely fashion and the populace quickly learns the principle of good and evil (chastity and fornication) while still developing in a paradisical state.)
At this point I am jumbling some of the sources for this recapitulation, perhaps, as I have read several lectures and/or chapters on the subject and cannot recall exactly what comes from which one. Nevertheless...
The seemingly contradictory explanation can be found in a lecture entitled "Runes Rita, Ehe, Not". In this lecture, and I believe elsewhere, rather than a growing inner unrest amoung the populace, it is instead the collision of the comet "Kondoor" that results in a massive geological instability, which is then similarly restabilized with the introduction of the Kundabuffer Organ into the populace. In this case also, the Kundabuffer Organ is left in place for too long, generating too much ego, etc.
So, how to account for this seeming discrepancy? How pertinent is the answer anyhow? Indeed, this line of inquiry may be somewhat superfluous and is surely well beyond my current level of understanding and comprehension. However, it is surely true that I have been reflecting very deeply on the truth of the Tree of Daath more or less constantly since I first encountered the teaching about 2 years ago. Undoubtedly, a most deeply resonating acknowledgement of its profundity and veracity has been developing ever since. It came as a point of confusion, however, when I encountered these teachings on the origin of the terrible fall. Furthermore, it seems somewhat unsettling that the so-called "Kundabuffer Organ" was actually implemented intenionally, but I think this may be because I am deeply ignorant about how it actually functions.
If there is any other information or source that can be provided or pointed to about just exactly how the application of the Kundabuffer Organ (or perhaps we could even say the temporary permittance of fornication... as I believe I read elsewhere that indeed this is what is meant by the purposeful introduction of the Kundabuffer by the Angelic Council) is able to "stablize" either inner turmoils or external ones, I would be greatly interested. Any elaboration or clarification at all is greatly appreciated.
I will seek the Inner Lord and Truth in the profound Silence of Meditation for the answers as well.
Bless you all,
(If in order to further understand and/or answer this question, it is necessary I provide the specific sources for what I am paraphrasing here, please let me know and I will reproduce them. I believe mainly I am pulling from "The Elimination of Satan's Tail" chapter 1 and "Runes Rita, Ehe, Not", but I also looked at a lecture on Arcanum 10, found here:
http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/twenty-two-arcana-of-tarot/564-arcanum-10-transcription.html, and perhaps a few others also. Here is one more: