Thursday, 28 May 2015
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I am interested in understanding further the mysterious origin of the "Kundabuffer Organ". In my studies I have identified two seemingly contradictory explanations.

Firstly, I would like to summarize my understading of the Kundabuffer Organ as the following: "The force of temptation that, when pursued or indulged in, results in the inversion/downward projection of the Christic Essence/Atomic Logos/Sexual Energy." In other words, it is that force which causes the deluded intellectual animal to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Daath, resulting in the creation of the multiplicity of egos, the creation of Satan's tail, and which traps the Essence in the subconsciousness/infraconsciousness/unconsciousness/klipoth, etc. If this understanding, as a concise summary of the concept, is inaccurate, please let me know accordingly if at all possible.

So, assuming I am correct on at least a basic level about what the Kundabuffer Organ actually is, this brings me to my question. In "The Elimination of Satan's Tail" by Samael Aun Weor, Chapter 1 entitled "The Kundabuffer Organ", as I read it the Master explains that the Kundabuffer Organ was purposely installed in the Lemurian root race because at that time the populace had developed to a point where they became increasingly aware of their "mechanical" nature, of that fact that they were serving as a type of energy transformer for the greater world system of the Earth itself. This caused great discord and instability within their developing psyches, even to the point of resulting in suicidal ideations among these peoples. Therefore, the Angelic Council responsible decided upon introducing the Kundabuffer organ to stabilize the upset, as its effect was to fascinate man with the external beauty of material creation.

Along this same line, I believe I have read also, somewhere else perhaps, that the root race was initially a very inwardly-oriented people, and therefore the Kundabuffer was needed to externalize them to some degree, again to create a balance/stability. In any case, it was supposed to be implemented as a temporary measure, and a grave mistake occurred in that it was left for too long, generating 97% ego in the Lemurians. (And as I read further, in other civilizations, typically a maximum of 10% ego is generated when this tool is used. It is then removed in a timely fashion and the populace quickly learns the principle of good and evil (chastity and fornication) while still developing in a paradisical state.)

At this point I am jumbling some of the sources for this recapitulation, perhaps, as I have read several lectures and/or chapters on the subject and cannot recall exactly what comes from which one. Nevertheless...

The seemingly contradictory explanation can be found in a lecture entitled "Runes Rita, Ehe, Not". In this lecture, and I believe elsewhere, rather than a growing inner unrest amoung the populace, it is instead the collision of the comet "Kondoor" that results in a massive geological instability, which is then similarly restabilized with the introduction of the Kundabuffer Organ into the populace. In this case also, the Kundabuffer Organ is left in place for too long, generating too much ego, etc.

So, how to account for this seeming discrepancy? How pertinent is the answer anyhow? Indeed, this line of inquiry may be somewhat superfluous and is surely well beyond my current level of understanding and comprehension. However, it is surely true that I have been reflecting very deeply on the truth of the Tree of Daath more or less constantly since I first encountered the teaching about 2 years ago. Undoubtedly, a most deeply resonating acknowledgement of its profundity and veracity has been developing ever since. It came as a point of confusion, however, when I encountered these teachings on the origin of the terrible fall. Furthermore, it seems somewhat unsettling that the so-called "Kundabuffer Organ" was actually implemented intenionally, but I think this may be because I am deeply ignorant about how it actually functions.

If there is any other information or source that can be provided or pointed to about just exactly how the application of the Kundabuffer Organ (or perhaps we could even say the temporary permittance of fornication... as I believe I read elsewhere that indeed this is what is meant by the purposeful introduction of the Kundabuffer by the Angelic Council) is able to "stablize" either inner turmoils or external ones, I would be greatly interested. Any elaboration or clarification at all is greatly appreciated.

I will seek the Inner Lord and Truth in the profound Silence of Meditation for the answers as well.

Bless you all,


(If in order to further understand and/or answer this question, it is necessary I provide the specific sources for what I am paraphrasing here, please let me know and I will reproduce them. I believe mainly I am pulling from "The Elimination of Satan's Tail" chapter 1 and "Runes Rita, Ehe, Not", but I also looked at a lecture on Arcanum 10, found here:, and perhaps a few others also. Here is one more:
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
"It is written: 'Now the serpent [Ob, the creative power of sex] was more subtle than any beast of the field which Yod-Havah Elohim [Binah] had made'" - Genesis 3: 1

Rabbi Joseph said [“the word field” addresses Yesod, the center of gravity of Yod-Havah Elohim, Binah and which is the root of ]: The tree of [knowledge] which we have been discoursing was nourished by the supernal light [of Chokmah], by which it became great, fair and beautiful to [AUR] the light.

It is also written:
'And a river went forth out of Eden to water the garden.' The garden here mentioned denotes the female [Malkuth], whom the river [or supernal light of Chokmah] made fruitful [through Tiphereth]. Then [through sexual alchemy] man and woman became again one [flesh], in the sense as it is said, 'Jehovah [Binah] is one [in Yesod] and his name is one [in Daath].'

After disobeying the divine commandment [But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest ye die], a deterioration in their heavenly state took place and [through the orgasm] they [OB and OD, Ida and Pingala] became separated from the higher and diviner life [AUR or Sushumna] as intimated by the words, 'And from thence [Daath], it (the river), was parted [into male female polarities]'" (Genesis 2: 10).

[From Geburah] Rabbi Isaac said : "The serpent of which scripture speaks is the Tempter [sexual fire of OB that descends from Geburah and enters Malkuth]."

[From Tiphereth] Rabbi Yehudah said : "It was [AUR] a real serpent [of light]."

Going to Rabbi Simeon and making known to him their different views, he replied:
"Your interpretations are really one and the same and are both correct. Samael [the logoic light from Geburah], when he descended on [Malkuth] the earth plane [he did it through Tiphereth and] rode on the serpent [OB].

When he [the logoic force of Geburah] appeared [in Malkuth] under the serpentine form [Ob], he is called Satan [passional animal fire]. Whatever his name [in every single Monad], he is the being known as the spirit of evil [because the logoic force of Samael from Geburah rules Aries, the head of the serpent Ob or Ida, and he also rules Scorpio, Sex, the tail of the serpent Ob or Ida in every human being].

It is said that when [the logoic power of] Samael descended from [Geburah] on high as just described, all the other [logoic] animals [living forces in Malkuth, named Chaioth] fled away frightened and terrified [by Satan, the might of the sexual power in Malkuth].

Then, by his persuasive and guileful words [You shall not surely die: For Elohim does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil], he [as Satan, the sexual power in Scorpio] deceived the woman [Malkuth, our physicality] and thus [by means of the animal orgasm] caused death to enter into the world (that is, it caused the development of the Kundabuffer Organ, and Nephesh, our lower nature then ceased to be amenable to and obey the dictates and supremacy of the higher Self). He [Satan] succeeded in doing this by means of the Sephirah Chokmah (wisdom of the Elohim), prostituting and using it [in Yesod] for his evil [animal reproduction] purposes and thus caused the world [of Malkuth, the Planet and our physicality] to become accurst, and [the light of the] the tree which the Holy One had planted [in Yesod] to become destroyed [through the animal orgasm]. - Zohar

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

9 years ago
Accepted Answer
"It is written: 'Now the serpent [Ob, the creative power of sex] was more subtle than any beast of the field which Yod-Havah Elohim [Binah] had made'" - Genesis 3: 1

Rabbi Joseph said [“the word field” addresses Yesod, the center of gravity of Yod-Havah Elohim, Binah and which is the root of ]: The tree of [knowledge] which we have been discoursing was nourished by the supernal light [of Chokmah], by which it became great, fair and beautiful to [AUR] the light.

It is also written:
'And a river went forth out of Eden to water the garden.' The garden here mentioned denotes the female [Malkuth], whom the river [or supernal light of Chokmah] made fruitful [through Tiphereth]. Then [through sexual alchemy] man and woman became again one [flesh], in the sense as it is said, 'Jehovah [Binah] is one [in Yesod] and his name is one [in Daath].'

After disobeying the divine commandment [But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest ye die], a deterioration in their heavenly state took place and [through the orgasm] they [OB and OD, Ida and Pingala] became separated from the higher and diviner life [AUR or Sushumna] as intimated by the words, 'And from thence [Daath], it (the river), was parted [into male female polarities]'" (Genesis 2: 10).

[From Geburah] Rabbi Isaac said : "The serpent of which scripture speaks is the Tempter [sexual fire of OB that descends from Geburah and enters Malkuth]."

[From Tiphereth] Rabbi Yehudah said : "It was [AUR] a real serpent [of light]."

Going to Rabbi Simeon and making known to him their different views, he replied:
"Your interpretations are really one and the same and are both correct. Samael [the logoic light from Geburah], when he descended on [Malkuth] the earth plane [he did it through Tiphereth and] rode on the serpent [OB].

When he [the logoic force of Geburah] appeared [in Malkuth] under the serpentine form [Ob], he is called Satan [passional animal fire]. Whatever his name [in every single Monad], he is the being known as the spirit of evil [because the logoic force of Samael from Geburah rules Aries, the head of the serpent Ob or Ida, and he also rules Scorpio, Sex, the tail of the serpent Ob or Ida in every human being].

It is said that when [the logoic power of] Samael descended from [Geburah] on high as just described, all the other [logoic] animals [living forces in Malkuth, named Chaioth] fled away frightened and terrified [by Satan, the might of the sexual power in Malkuth].

Then, by his persuasive and guileful words [You shall not surely die: For Elohim does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil], he [as Satan, the sexual power in Scorpio] deceived the woman [Malkuth, our physicality] and thus [by means of the animal orgasm] caused death to enter into the world (that is, it caused the development of the Kundabuffer Organ, and Nephesh, our lower nature then ceased to be amenable to and obey the dictates and supremacy of the higher Self). He [Satan] succeeded in doing this by means of the Sephirah Chokmah (wisdom of the Elohim), prostituting and using it [in Yesod] for his evil [animal reproduction] purposes and thus caused the world [of Malkuth, the Planet and our physicality] to become accurst, and [the light of the] the tree which the Holy One had planted [in Yesod] to become destroyed [through the animal orgasm]. - Zohar

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

9 years ago
Thank you for your response.

Here is a quote from the transcription of Arcanum 10: Retribution (available here:

"But unfortunately, there was the big mistake, and the practice of fornication resulted from it. Some of them did not return after that development. The Kundabuffer organ was a necessity at that time. And is a necessity because the souls, the Monads, need to know good and evil, but at a certain limit, in order to return as Gods, knowing good and evil.

But there was a big mistake, a miscalculation, and the kundabuffer organ was left in place for a long time, which became the tail of Satan. And humanity, instead of returning and acquiring knowledge of good and evil, kept fornicating and degenerating themselves. So then they were building inside of their brain the Great Babylon, do you understand that?"

Then in the question and answer section...

"That is why Sakaki committed that mistake. He left the kundabuffer organ in humanity for too long and the outcome was the results that we see here. It is a great problem; that is why many Avatars, many Messengers, were sent to the planet Earth in order to fix the problem, because the amount of ego that we have is too much.

Normally, a humanity creates 10% of ego; only that much. So then they go around along with the other civilisations, the other planetary humanities, but on the planet Earth it is overwhelming, it is 97% ego."

So, specifically, what I am trying to understand is how exactly that works...or in other words, how is it that the implantation of the Kundabuffer is at times a "necessity"? The quote below, also pulled from the same lecture, perhaps answers this question:

"Audience: When the Kundabuffer was placed in the Lemurian society… were they supposed to start fornicating or were they just supposed to know more about desire?

Instructor: Well, in order to develop the kundabuffer they had to fornicate, right? Of course, there is a certain limit, the Kundabuffer only develops when you crystallise the energy in the wrong way. So that’s the way in order to fall because you know Malkuth is a fallen Sephirah, but it falls in order to return, this is a terrible necessity for the involving Ray of Creation. If you do not know evil, how are you going to become a God? How are you going to return into the Absolute without knowing evil? You have to know the good and the evil or, better said, the two forces: evolution and devolution, because good and evil are really two words that are placed in the wrong way. Obviously, other humanities received the Kundabuffer organ and they obtained the knowledge of good and evil, yet, these have caused so much hassle in the Earth."

In some readings I find it is the comet Kondoor that brought the need for the Kundabuffer ( and, but in another, namely "The Elimination of Satan's Tail" chapter 1, nothing of the comet is mentioned but rather it is the growing suspicions of the Lemurians in regard to their "mechanical" nature that is cited as the reason it was introduced.

I think it is fair to say though that for our purposes right now, the origin of the problem is far less important than the fact of the matter... that how we use our sexual energy is the most fundamental and critical component to the development of our consciousness.
9 years ago
The H-1 camera on board NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft has captured this sequence of the two comets now en route to the Sun: Encke and ISON. They look like sperms trying to fertilize an egg named Earth—which is quite appropriate, given the hypothesis that comets brought life to this planet.

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

9 years ago
That is rather amazing!

As is this:

"I want you to understand that during the times of the Lemurian continent, when humanity still did not possess the abominable Kundabuffer organ, all people were balanced, and they lived in harmony and peace. Yet, an unexpected event occurred as a result of the erroneous calculations of certain sacred individuals: the comet Kondoor collided with the planet Earth. Then, as consequence of that collision, a frightful catastrophe was produced.

Some gigantic islands—better said, quasi-continents—that were densely populated, sank into the ocean, and millions of human beings perished. The Earth was in a chaotic state, leaving the geological layers in an unstable situation. Therefore, the layers trembled incessantly. Great earthquakes and frightful tsunamis were produced, and since the equilibrium of the geological layers was lost, there was no stability in our world and human life threatened to disappear.

During that age, some sacred individuals came to the Earth. I want to emphatically mention the Archangel Sakaki and his most high commission, consisting of a group of specialists. These individuals studied the problem and decided that in order to stabilize the geological layers of our world, it was necessary to implant the abominable Kundabuffer organ in our humanity.

It is obvious that the physical body is a machine that captures specific types of cosmic energies, that are soon transformed and retransmitted to the interior layers of the Earth. Yes, the Earth is nourished, because the Earth is a living organism that needs nourishment, nutrition.

Therefore, when that alteration to the human organisms was allowed, the cosmic forces were also altered and became lunar. It so happened then, that from the coccyx—the fundamental bone of the dorsal spinal—the sacred fire was precipitated downward, and in its turn such a precipitated fire developed the inferior part of the dorsal spine, thus causing to grow from the coccyx (the base of the spinal column) an appendix similar to the tail that we see in the simians. Tailed organisms are fundamentally lunar. So, the lunar forces stabilized the geological layers of our planet Earth."


And this too:

"Now, in the internal planes I asked a master: "Master, I understand the planets and creation, and I understand the maintenance of this universe, but there is something that I still do not grasp: what is a comet? A comet does not come around like other planets, it has another orbit. What is a comet?" And the master said: "Simple: a comet is like a sperm – a sperm that carries the principles of life to the entire solar system. The magnetism of the planets attracts those solar comet principles, and the planets are fecundated by them in order to cosmically develop. Imagine the planets like ovums within the womb of Mother Space. How many ovums (planets) does Mother Space have? A lot, so every planet is an ovum. And those sperms or comets are principles of the Father that go everywhere in order to fecundate life." Then I said: "Perfect – that fits into my brain very well in relation with Cosmocreation."

The comet that Gurdjieff talks about is the comet Kondoor, which was starting its voyage, its orbit around the Solar System. And because of an erroneous calculation by certain Cosmocreators, it entered into the orbit of this big ovum named planet Earth and collided with it, causing a lot of problems, since the atmosphere of the Earth was still in development. Thus, our planet was trembling, struggling in order to sustain its two moons.

Now, in order to sustain the two moons, the planet needs organic life. Moreover, humanity at that time was reaching the level in which they were going to be divided into two sexes..."

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