By Gnostic Pantaloons on Saturday, 16 May 2015
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Has anyone else noticed 'Ernest Hegel' should be Ernst Haeckel in the Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology book?

Here: 'It is urgent that scientists study the Treatise of Occult Science by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the great Hungarian medic, born in 1861, friend and disciple of Nietzsche and Ernest Hegel. Dr. Rudolf Steiner is the founder of the Anthroposophic Society.'

Ernest Hegel should be Steiner's friend the biologist, naturalist, Ernst Haeckel. I put a few links for him and for some other material below.

Interest in Haeckel's and Darwinism was related to the Theosophical notion of spiritual evolution. They looked to do to human consciousness what Darwin did to nature. Theosophist tried to assert that evolution and human consciousness evolve, forming the basis of a belief in an expected cultural transformation that would come to characterize much twentieth century occult/New Age thought.

Well, Samael Aun Weor, corrected those erroneous fantasies in, The Doomed Aryan Race.

The transcriber probably inserted Hegel as Samael Aun Weor frequently stressed the utmost importance of understanding the many forms of Hegelian dialectic at work at any given time.

The "I's" control both sides and use Hegelian dialectic among many other tools to achieve hegemony.

The idea is to fool the observer to look left or right for the "i", never to where the enemy "I" is located. Its also a form of divide and conquer and works very well. For those on the path of understanding, it's extremely important to realize the crucial role of Hegelian dialectic.

These are very important tools and they use em all the time, but they have many other techniques too. Samael Aun Weor discusses Karl Marx, Hegel, and the Protocols of Zion in Hell, the Devil, and Karma.

All the best,

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