By Homesick on Sunday, 15 March 2015
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After viewing posts that weren’t responded to and their nature, I realized two benefits.

1) This might not indicate that they aren’t worthy of a response but that the student already possesses the ability to sort it out and the instructors are perfectly aware of this.

And 2) The need for interaction and a sense of community among us is being fed. I personally value very much the protection in this forum from the hecklers and trolls due to the restrictions on student responses, yet I also see the benefits of being able to view the path of others and realize in my life of physical isolation there are those who are also ‘heading home’ and that thought is an intense comfort to me in the Spirit of Echad (“the light which shines to the other”). Reading another’s post as a student also encourages me to listen and hear.

These instructors are obviously incredibly patient and willing to point the way for all who sincerely desire enlightenment no matter where we are on our journey home. And as a student, I am determined to always recognize this and not allow that most precious offering of servitude to be taken lightly.

...with utmost humility
9 years ago
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