Thursday, 12 March 2015
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The magician must pay close attention to the lunar influences because all the sidereal energies crystallize in our terrestrial globe through the lunar forces.

Anything that starts during the crescent Moon progresses quickly. Anything that is done during the waning Moon does not succeed, but fails.

The new Moon is very weak while the full Moon is very strong and serves in order to perform all types of practical magical works successfully.

The last day of the Moon means: abortions and failures…

Always do your business during the crescent moon so that you may succeed.

Hitler launched himself against Russia during the waning moon and failed.

When a star shines within a nimbus of the moon, it is a sign that a General is surrounded by enemies.

The Moon produces the periodic rise and fall of the sea level. The Moon produces high and low tides. The Moon attracts and repels the terrestrial magnetism.

From "The Zodiacal Course, Cancer" by Samael Aun Weor

Samael Aun Weor makes a clear point in what he is saying, however my understanding is deficient in one regard: what does one do during the waning period? Is this a period in which we are pushing harder or relaxing more? Obviously our investments in time and energy are going to obtain diminishing returns when the moon is waning, so is that a time when we retire into inactivity? Astral projection for example is more difficult during this time, so do you place less emphasis on it or do you have to push harder to try? Furthermore, as far as business and relationships go, do you try and work harder on them during this period, or do you relax and take your pedal off the gas? It seems like you would put more energy into the crescent or full moons because that is when you obtain the maximum returns.

Some clarification is needed here.
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
What Samael Aun Weor was indicating that it is good to initiate new projects and works during the crescent or full moon. However, when it is a new moon, this does not mean we work in our businesses or earn our daily bread. It simply means that one should not initiate any major new business project during this time. The facts are that we have to work to live, therefore we need to do what we must to make ends meet. But when it comes to developing new works that take great pith and movement, we should rely on the positive forces of the moon to help execute them.

As for astral projection, we must always strive to awaken every time we go to bed. Therefore in this case we must maintain consistency in our practices.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

9 years ago
Accepted Answer
What Samael Aun Weor was indicating that it is good to initiate new projects and works during the crescent or full moon. However, when it is a new moon, this does not mean we work in our businesses or earn our daily bread. It simply means that one should not initiate any major new business project during this time. The facts are that we have to work to live, therefore we need to do what we must to make ends meet. But when it comes to developing new works that take great pith and movement, we should rely on the positive forces of the moon to help execute them.

As for astral projection, we must always strive to awaken every time we go to bed. Therefore in this case we must maintain consistency in our practices.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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