By Emancipatius on Friday, 06 March 2015
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In his book Light from Darkness Master Samael discusses the attractions people have toward one another based on astrological signs.

The Lunar type always tends to move toward the Venusian, the Venusian type moves toward the Mercurial, the Mercurial type moves toward the Saturnian, the Saturnian type moves toward the Martian, the Martian type moves toward the Jupiterian, and the Jupiterian type turns around and goes toward the Lunar.

Where, therefore, is the sun? Is it pulled toward a certain type, or does it have a different role? I understand in the transformation of the internal planets (Jupiter into Mercury, etc.) the sun has a stationary role -- does this come into play in relationship dynamics as well?

Master Samael also says,

It is clear that for this, it is necessary to know which star guides our life.

What of persons who have signs outside of the seven planet, such as Pisces, ruled by Neptune?
Is Aquarius Saturnian despite its Uranian bend?
Is the solar astrological sign the only affecting force on the life of a newborn -- in other words, is there truth to other planetary signs holding a measure of significance, even slight?

Thank you for any wisdom you may have on these matters.
Couples, of whatever astrological planetary disposition, always move under the influence of the solar energy. The sun helps each disposition to exist through the sexual power.

Once an initiate resurrects, they become a solar being. Therefore they no longer need sex; they have transcended their planetary disposition. Sexual union is forbidden to the resurrected masters.

The seven planetary dispositions help orient us in marital life, even when there are planets outside of this scheme. Neptune would still influence a Pisces, even when that Pisces may be more Mercurial (intellectual) or wise (Jupiterian).

Aquarius is related to Uranus, Chokmah, Christ. Saturn, Chronos, relates to Binah, the Holy Spirit.

The seven planetary signs help elucidate aspects of our character, even when there are always many influences that help shape what we are: planets, zodiac, personality, essence, ego, and the spiritual Ray of our Being.

Even seemingly random cosmic rays can push us in ways we are not aware of. This is why we must awaken and know ourselves.
5 years ago
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