By Owl of Athena on Monday, 02 March 2015
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Hello again

Concerning Atlas, I am having a hard time placing him esoterically into his process as a god:

Ατλας - Suffers, Endures, Dares (atlaô).

"ATLAS (Atlas), according to Hesiod (Theog. 507, &c.), a son of Japetus and Clymene, and a brother of Menoetius, Prometheus, and Epimetheus; according to Apollodorus (i. 2. § 3), his mother's name was Asia; and, according to Hyginus (Fab. Praef.), he was a son of Aether and Gaea."

"In one tradition, Atlas led the Titanes in a rebellion against Zeus and was condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders. In another, he was said to have been appointed guardian of the pillars which held earth and sky asunder."

"He was also the god who instructed mankind in the art of astronomy..." I have read that he was a Master in Atlantis related to Astronomy/Astrology?

Homer, Odyssey 1. 52 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) :
"Atlas the baleful (oloophron); he knows the depths of all the seas, and he, no other, guards (or holds) the tall pillars that keep the sky and earth apart."

Hesiod, Theogony 744 ff :
"There [at the sources & ends of earth, sea, Tartaros] stands the awful home of murky Nyx (Night) wrapped in dark clouds. In front of it the son of Iapetos [Atlas] stands immovably upholding the wide heaven upon his head and unwearying hands, where Nyx (Night) and Hemera (Day) draw near and greet one another as they pass the great threshold of bronze."


Seeing as Atlas is a sibling of both Prometheus and Epimetheus, and that his name means 'to endure', would it be safe to say that Atlas relates in some way to the similar symbol of Prometheus suffering and enduring on the rock?

Also, what is the difference between Gods and Titans? I know Titans are demi-gods, but in what way does Zeus, being termed a God, differ from Atlas, being named a Titan, for example?

And are nymphs, satyrs, etc, related to elementals of the tattvas but the Greek equivalent? Because I see many nymphs etc, born of gods, and I'm guessing that nymphs are basically mermaids? Same as gnomes, pigmies, dwarves, salamanders, fairies etc?

If you could help me with this it would be of great appreciation!

I hope all is well x
Hello all

I found this related to Atlantis on the internet:

"Atlante, Atlas plural form, is a classical term used in the contemporary architecture to define the carved form of a man which, used as a column, supports an upper structure.

If we examine, for example, the linguistic similarity of the word "Atlas", we notice that it very much resembles "Atlantis". For a better understanding, we can divide the term "Atlantis" as follows: ATL-ANTIS; in Nahuatl language, ATL means WATER, and we know that today Atlantis is submerged under water.

Gnostic Antropology - Atlanteotl
The figure of ATLANTEOTL is shown in Codex Borgia. Thus, amid the great Maya civilization, Atlanteotl holds the heavenly waters on his shoulders like Atlas of the Greeks, which we are accustomed to prioritize as a symbol. We can see that both the image and name (Atlas and Atlanteotl) display strong similarity: the word "Atlanteotl" we can divide in ATL, which means waters, and TEOTL which means God. This concludes that the two representations are one and the same symbol: both bear the Waters or the World, and here these emblems indicate two things. First, the geological transformations suffered by the Earth's crust after the Universal Deluge, when the poles were converted to Equator and the Equator into poles; the Atlantean continent submerged as a consequence of these geological changes. Secondly, it suggests the Work with Waters through the alchemical practice, the result of transmuting Water or essential liquids. It is thus apparent that both have sustained the World or the Waters, representing the Hermetic triumph."

Very interesting seeing as though Atlantis was as Samael states in "an aqueous atmosphere".


This also reminds me of the firmament?

Sorry if I may be confusing the issue, but nevertheless I find this relation to Nahuatl culture very interesting.
9 years ago
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