By Owl of Athena on Tuesday, 13 January 2015
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Could you help me with Jupiter in relation to Yehidah and Chaiah, and also Saturn!

What is the primary difference between Jupiter and Saturn also?

I read that Saturn devours his children? Is this in relation to the higher souls Yehidah and Chaiah?

Any resource or information would be appreciated

Also, whilst I'm here, do any of you know or recommend any books on esoteric and occult art? Any occult/esoteric artists which you highly recommend for meditation?

Much thanks x
Regarding Yechida and Chaiah, have you seen this lecture?

Saturn is the Holy Spirit (Chaiah) that swallows His and Her children (since Saturn is Jehovah Elohim) through the work of the serpent.

To be absorbed within Yechida is a superior work beyond Resurrection.

I have found this book useful for alchemical paintings.
9 years ago
0 Votes
Regarding the difference between Saturn and Jupiter.

From what I've gathered Jupiter is the divine androgynous parent in a primordial sense and intimate sense because Jupiter is also our inner Spirit (???) and related to Daath (???). But I get stuck on Saturn. I know it is the Holy Spirit, as is Jupiter, but I struggle with the distinction.

Could you please help me with this?

Thanks once again x
9 years ago
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Also, what is Judas (יהודה) in relation to Yehidah?

Thanks once again that book looks very valuable!
9 years ago
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