By Shivalyle on Tuesday, 09 December 2014
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In one of the lectures it was stated that each star in the sky expresses the light of an awakened being - a lovely thought. My question is did each one of those awakened beings achieve that high level of consciousness coming from as low a level of consciousness that we are currently at, or is it possible that some had less of an "ascent" as they didn't fall as low as we have in this current humanity?
This humanity is truly very low. Those who rise from this humanity will have a special quality of consciousness, something very unusual.

Imagine two generals: one did all his training as required, and passed through the ranks to earn his place, yet did not fight in a war. He is respectable and honorable, glorious in his uniform, yet inexperienced. Standing next to him is a general who started at the lowest rank, and fought in all manner of wars, faced starvation, was captured, imprisoned, tortured, beaten, escaped, fought in war after war, killing many enemies, and raised in rank by his bravery and skill in battle. Place these two together, and you see a stark difference between them. They may have the same rank, but they are not the same.

You see the same differences amongst the masters in the superior worlds.
9 years ago
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