By John on Saturday, 29 November 2014
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I had really great troubles, I was feeling like being wrapped with chains until I made a prayer, which is really wonderful, but I don't know from where it comes. I personally the next morning felt like being released from jail!!! other people could not rent their house for many months and after gathering all together and making the prayer, it was soon rent. I will post the prayer and if the instructors find it irrelevant with gnosis, they can delete or edit it.

Cleaning Prayer With The Divine Father And The Divine Mother

My divine Father and my divine Mother, please with you approval and your protection, may this cleaning practice from negative forces be performed.


Please my divine father, invoke in the name of Christ, from the authority of Christ, from the majesty of Christ the respectable master Samael and the angels fighters, ”cleaners” of the planet Mars

Respectable Masters come here…..

<< Respectable Masters please may be dissolved …

magic and attacks, negative forces, dark entities, bad influences, ghosts, astral larvaes, negative connections with black fraternities, black magicians and black practices.....
clean me in accordance to the Will of my divine Father and my divine Mother and your Will please, as well as the house where I live, (……….:you can add here what you want), and the places/rooms that I visit, the inner places/rooms and the outer places from EGO, adultery, lack of trust to the divine parents and the inner path, desires, passions, betrays, intellectualism, fanaticism, contradictions, greed, violence, deception, bad will,(…......)and do not allow me to leave the path of the Father. Clean also the brothers which the Father wants.

FIRE SSSSS FIRE SSSSS FIRE SSSSSSSSSSS >> (this part in << >> three times)

So that the will of the Father will be fulfilled.
Please may these requests be crystalized for the good of all HUMANITY.
My divine FATHER please give my thanks to the respectable MASTERS.

I translated it from greek, my mother tongue, If an instructor finds anything not understandable, he can edit it or contact me. We must win the battle!!! Be strong and pray always to your divine parents, they always make us happy in difficult moments. Thank my father, thank my mother.

Paz Inverencial
Some of the best remedies for cleaning one's home are found in these articles.
9 years ago
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