By zero on Saturday, 08 November 2014
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The master clearly states that when we see a defect in others it is because we carry that defect within our own hidden psychology. I have observed this happening, that I can find many faults with others, so many in fact that it is a form of torture thinking about it.

I am frustrated about not being able to transform any of it, because when sitting to meditate, my mind simply sharpens itself into a dangerous weapon in response to my efforts, thus meditation becomes unbearable, the resistance to spiritual practice is strong, obviously a part of me wants to work, otherwise I wouldn't be here, I would be elsewhere enjoying the lure of my passions, however, everytime I meditate on the ego I don't get anywhere due to many factors. Are there any clear simple approaches to meditation? If I see a defect in someone, does that not mean that they actually possess that defect? If it bothers me is it simply because I share a similar ego? Is it that simple?
The solution to resistance is comprehension. You must develop cognizance, through rigorous self-analysis and direct perception of your internal states, in order to see and overcome the snares of the animal "I."

If you struggle to see your mind for what it is, if your mind is dull and torpid, filled with morbidity, I recommend you work more diligently in your observation throughout the day in conjunction with transmutation. The sexual power will grant you peace, clarity, lightness, happiness, and peace, for as Swami Sivananda taught us regarding the benefits of Pranayama:
This body becomes lean, strong and healthy. Too much fat is reduced. There is lustre in the face. Eyes sparkle like diamonds. The practitioner becomes very handsome. Voice becomes sweet and melodious. The inner Anahata sounds are distinctly heard. The student is free from all sorts of diseases. He gets established in Brahmacharya. Semen gets firm and steady. The Jatharagni (gastric fire) is augmented. The student becomes so perfected in Brahmacharya that his mind will not be shaken even if a fairy tries to embrace him. Appetite becomes keen. Nadis are purified. Vikshepa is removed and the mind becomes one-pointed. Rajas and Tamas are destroyed. The mind is prepared for Dharana and Dhyana. The excretions become scanty. Steady practice arouses the inner spiritual force and brings in spiritual light, happiness and peace of mind. It makes him an Oordhvareto-Yogi. All psychic powers are obtained. Advanced students only will get all the benefits. –Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga
If you are morbid, desensitized, negative, brooding, angry, vengeful and dark, you must re-evaluate what you are doing. Pristine consciousness, born from profound self-reflection and discipline within the foundations of practice: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, and Dharana, will lead you to genuine meditation (Dhyana) and therefore, comprehension and ecstasy (Samadhi).

See also the following resource below!
In order to become a Kosmos Human, it is necessary to learn how the Three Primary Forces of the universe—positive, negative and neutral—manifest themselves.

On the path that leads to the Kosmos Human (a path totally positive), we see that every positive force is always opposed by a negative force.

Through self-observation we must perceive the mechanism of the opposing force.

Whenever we propose to carry out a special action, whether it be annihilating an ego, controlling sexual energy, doing a special work, or executing a definite program, we must observe and calculate the force of resistance, because by nature the world and its mechanicity tends to provoke resistance and such resistance is doubled.

The more gigantic the enterprise, the greater the resistance will be. If we learn to calculate the resistance, we will also be able to develop the enterprise with success. This is where the capacity of the genius, of the enlightened one, is.


Resistance is the opposing force. Resistance is the secret weapon of the ego.

Resistance is the psychic force of the ego that is opposed to us becoming conscious of all of our psychological defects.

With resistance, the ego tends to leave on a tangent and postulates excuses to silence or hide its error.

Due to resistance, dreams become difficult to interpret and the knowledge that one wants to have about oneself becomes clouded.

Resistance acts upon a defense mechanism that tries to omit unpleasant psychological errors, so as not to have consciousness of them. In this way, one continues in psychological slavery. - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic
9 years ago
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Whenever I do transmutation exercises there is a strange effect where I feel as if i am being deprived of something, then a sort of depression develops, alongside this, events around me take place which stimulates elements within myself that are unpleasant, making the peace and serenity seemingly disappear since things get overwhelming and chaotic. It's hard to explain all of this.

I don't understand how to realistically measure the resistance since we are talking about something beyond mere physical matter. My mind is boggled as to how this is accomplished.
9 years ago
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Is there a science behind measuring the resistance?

How can we have peace and serenity when our mind reacts to the unpleasant things that happen? It's easy to say don't react, just observe etc but the facts are that the mind reacts and this creates a conflict. What is also true is that other people are reacting in strange ways towards other people, so they are also causing a problem too.

If we see somebody exploiting, manipulating and insulting others, how is it not right to acknowledge their defects and defend oneself against such actions? Or even eliminating the possibility of that person committing such actions in the first place by avoiding them or through some skillful means such as speech?

I see that my own psychological reactions to such situations can be quite dark, and that these are what I need to work on, thanks to such people they have given me a chance to see how dark my inner world is. However we may be contributing to the problem by allowing such people to behave like that towards us, being too merciful is also just as bad as being too severe.

No wonder there are so many conflicts in the world today, everybody contributes in some way to make this world more difficult to live in. The simplicity of nature is truly refreshing, I guess that's why it's good to get out of town for a little while.
9 years ago
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