By Cosmic Dust on Sunday, 02 November 2014
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Let us say for this question that we have married and worked and succeded in Gnosis and become awake and very enlightened, even eventually totally Christified.

Let us say also that our spouse has too.

What then, becomes of the Marriage? Would these two beings still be married and forever with each other in this bond?

For example, is Jesus still married to his wife? Buddha? We read a lot about them, but what about their spouse?

I feel selfish that I want marriage for me to awaken, and go far in Gnosis, but what becomes of that original marriage? It can't just be a tool, isn't there a lasting, special type of love there that needs to continue, even when an initiate gets to such a high degree that they no longer need sexual intercourse with their spouse?

I think there is this tendency to think, "I need a spouse for sexual magic." What then, becomes of the marriage when we've done what we are supposed to do with it? (Reach liberation)
There is no one answer, because every being has their own path to walk. Nevertheless, a similar question was already answered here:
9 years ago
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