By Obi on Sunday, 02 November 2014
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Archetype is the quintessence of Elohim. The archetypes of Israel form in their conjunction the firstborn or the quintessence of Elohim Zabaoth. In the book of revelation the archetypes are represented by Michael and his angels or the soul and its virtues.

Idol is a psychological aggregate or a mental embodiment of an ideal, belief, theory, concept or dogma; something that the mind desires to satisfy. The idols of the mind are the sins, defects and vices that we carry within, these are our own mental creations. In the book of revelation the idols are represented by Satan and his angels or the mind and its defects.

Our Archetypes are trapped within all of the idols of our mind, therefore, we need to destroy our mental idols in order to liberate our own particular individual Israel from bondage. “With patience you will possess your souls [or archetypes].”
9 years ago
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