Sunday, 19 October 2014
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Hello all! Shalom :)

I have always had an interest in Joan of Arc, and have always felt in myself to never trust most of what the historical accounts argued about her and kept with my own intuition - that she was a very different individual indeed. It was something that had always been on my mind, that a little girl had seen great Angels and was sent on a holy mission in which she subsequently was killed - this was not something that can be put down to 'mental health', which is an insult to such a beautiful saint. It is sad that people of this world see her as a mental wreck, who was hysterical, and irrationally respectful towards her God.

Now, I've read a few thing on the Gnostic site concerning Joan of Arc, and I have a few questions which I hope could be answered about her mysterious life.

Was Joan born with powers developed? Was she a bodhisattva in her life? Or was that something she attained? I read that her karma was to be burned at the stake? Did Joan know about the mysteries of kabbalah, or was her spiritual process completely natural and already known from her past lives?

I hear that she is a master now within a very high dimension, and that one can call upon her if one can get to that dimension through meditation? Does this mean that she had created a solar body in that life?

It would be wonderful if I could get as thorough an answer as possible, as I have always wondered about this beautiful girl from Domrémy-la-Pucelle, that very wise and powerful being who drove a whole army against the English. The very incident in which she had to recognise the king who was hidden amongst the audience within his dwelling, and she found him no problem without ever seeing his face - this sounds like very interesting occult power to me and she was very young at this time?

Much love to you all, and peace/Shalom to every being that lives! Much thanks and appreciation to the very helpful instructors of this forum! :)
9 years ago
Accepted Answer
Joan of Arc is a great Bodhisattva, a Master of Major Mysteries who was born with many occult faculties resulting from her work in previous incarnations. She knows Kabbalah very well by the very fact that she is a Resurrected Master in possession of the Body of Liberation, according to my limited understanding.

What is interesting is that Joan is of "the Ark," the Covenant between יהוה Iod-Chavah, الله Allah (may He be praised and exalted) and men.

From what I've gathered, she completed the work in her last incarnation in France. As for whether or not it was her karma to be immolated, that is something you would have to ask her in the 4th dimension.

See Chapter 7: "The Body of Liberation" and Chapter 19: "The Woman" in Igneous Rose by Samael Aun Weor.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

9 years ago
Accepted Answer
Joan of Arc is a great Bodhisattva, a Master of Major Mysteries who was born with many occult faculties resulting from her work in previous incarnations. She knows Kabbalah very well by the very fact that she is a Resurrected Master in possession of the Body of Liberation, according to my limited understanding.

What is interesting is that Joan is of "the Ark," the Covenant between יהוה Iod-Chavah, الله Allah (may He be praised and exalted) and men.

From what I've gathered, she completed the work in her last incarnation in France. As for whether or not it was her karma to be immolated, that is something you would have to ask her in the 4th dimension.

See Chapter 7: "The Body of Liberation" and Chapter 19: "The Woman" in Igneous Rose by Samael Aun Weor.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

9 years ago
Because she had done previous work before her incarnation in France does that mean she did not have to do sexual magic? Or was she initiated in her life early on? We're her parents Gnostic?
9 years ago
It is evident that at her young age, she had to have development in her previous incarnations, due to her high level of being and the intensity of the mission she carried out.

As for whether or not she practiced alchemy during her incarnation in France, I can only speculate, since alchemy is only suitable for women entering into adulthood (following the alchemical period of the sun, from the age of 21 to 42).

As for her parents and personal life, I cannot comment, since these details I have not investigated in the internal planes. What I relate to you is what Samael Aun Weor explained in his writings.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

9 years ago
Thank-you, Almustafa! This has answered my questions enough :)
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