By Autonomous Automaton on Sunday, 12 October 2014
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The First Initiation of Major Mysteries involves the kundalini in the physical body. When it is said that the Kundalini moves through the spinal canal up to the brain it is said that the churches are activated. Physically speaking the physical body has no such energy centers. The actual organs, endocrine glands, etc. are the physical manifestation of chakra. Perception begin in the vital body and up. The Physical body is just a husk being held up by the vital body. How does the physical body have Kundalini? Or more importantly, how does the physical Kundalini grants powers?

Or does this refer to the Third (or at least 2nd) Initiation?

Every planet has four kingdoms: mineral, plant, animal, and humanoid species.

A moon is a dead planet, having given birth to seven root races prior to the absorption of the Anima Mundi, or World-Soul, into the Absolute, in order to progressively re-enter another planetary body through its reincarnation during the next Mahamanvantara.

The pictures of Venus and Mars of our boasted scientists are nothing more than cadavers, moons without any life. These images are NOT of Venus and Mars, since what intelligent humanity would want cannibals taking pictures of their backyards?

We have to remember that not too long ago, propaganda has been spread throughout the globe for diverse political purposes. Likewise, NASA, the public space program, is busy at work, although this is not to say that everyone in NASA knows what's going on...

So you're not going to go with the "fourth dimension" route for Venus and Mars? You're saying these planets are inhabited, in the physical plane, by human civilizations? Really?


Reeeeeally? You don't find this the least bit absurd that every single stargazer on the entire face of the globe is in on this conspiracy? Every space organization, every institute, every planetarium? I mean... come on. A similar thing is said about Herculobus, but that those humans are worse than we are. Which again just sounds so far fetched. It's a super giant floating around in the cold emptiness of space (i.e. with no sun) and yet it has a thriving civilization in these cold dark depths? Physically? So do you believe the Sun has physical people and animals roaming across its surface too?
The Kundalini awakens in the physical body in the same way that your thoughts, emotions, and impulses are experienced in the physical body. They are not quite "physical" yet have some relationship with physicality. Similarly, the Kundalini of the first initiation directly changes the physical organism, although the energy itself is not merely physical.

Regarding other planets, we scarcely understand the body, heart, and mind we use everyday. We scarcely understand the people we interact with everyday. The further from our direct experience, the less likely we are to know the facts of any given phenomenon. So, until we can know about a phenomenon directly, for ourselves, it is best to set beliefs or disbeliefs aside and deal with what is immediately practical.
9 years ago
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The Kundalini awakens in the physical body in the same way that your thoughts, emotions, and impulses are experienced in the physical body. They are not quite "physical" yet have some relationship with physicality. Similarly, the Kundalini of the first initiation directly changes the physical organism, although the energy itself is not merely physical.

Are thoughts and emotions experienced in the physical body?

As I understand it, you feel via the vital body. The emotion is felt in the astral body. The thoughts are felt in the mental body. There are physical triggers but the actual "translation" and feedback are derived from the vital body's ethers. An analogy: A light switch is flipped, but the power that feeds the light bulb has nothing to do with the switch itself. A house, in and of itself, has no inherent power. It needs a connection to power lines or a generator. But the power that runs it is not of the house itself.

I guess it just seems to me that the vital kundalini would be for both the physical and the vital body. As what's good for the vital is good for the physical. The vital is the source of physical properties. You could have all the physical kundalini in the world, but without the vital body it's a dead physical body. The concept of a physical kundalini that cannot be physically examined, from my perceptive, makes it a non-physical thing. It makes it vital. Because everything else has a distinct physical representation (heart, thymus, thyroid, liver, gonads, brain, etc.).

If a person raises the physical and vital kundalini and die then would it be all for nothing? Or does the next body have these faculties already developed? We keep hearing that all this physical stuff is impermanent and illusion, but yet we have to raise the kundalini in these impermanent illusionary bodies that are going away anyway.

Regarding other planets, we scarcely understand the body, heart, and mind we use everyday. We scarcely understand the people we interact with everyday. The further from our direct experience, the less likely we are to know the facts of any given phenomenon. So, until we can know about a phenomenon directly, for ourselves, it is best to set beliefs or disbeliefs aside and deal with what is immediately practical.

So why are these planetary civilizations, Herculobus, Mu, Atlantis, fish people in our oceans, alien visitors, people being able to control nature, fly, the end of our world and all these not so immediately practical subjects brought up by Samael aun Weor? Clearly, we can't verify them by your logic (as opposed to the conventional logic) so why talk about it at all? It would seem that the only physical teachings would be self observation, self remembrance, transmutation, meditation, alchemy and maybe astral projection. And only after one is able to take practical steps to verify something is it mentioned in the internal worlds. I traveled to a temple in the astral (or so I think anyway). There were two women at the entrance. One in a white nun type over garment; the other in black. Now I have to wonder if this real or am I seeing this because my subconscious has already been told to expect this (i.e. J. & B.).

On that note, if you take it to another level there wouldn't be much to believe in. If you are driving a Prius and I tell you you're driving a BMW what would be your reaction?

You look at it and you say, "See, it's a Prius. It has the Prius logo, etc.".

I say, "No, you are only being fooled into thinking you see a Prius. It's really a BMW".

Would you honestly doubt what you see? Or rather, what reason do you have to doubt what you see? If we start down that path we must put everything in doubt. We can never be sure of anything because as long as there are bigger fish in the sea it can be said that no matter what you see or experience it could all be false. No matter how spiritual the nature of the experience, or how deeply or intimately you feel something is the Truth, it could be illusion made by something that much greater than yourself to deceive you. So the ability to verify reality becomes impossible on all levels. Because no matter what you see it could be a deception. The entire White Lodge can be a big deception. The idea of an Innermost can be a deception. Your entire concept of good or evil, karma and dharma, etc. can be deception. Anything can be a deception and therefore everything boils down to belief or disbelief. No real knowing can ever exist for us.

If a satellite can travel to Venus, park in orbit and be feed consistent false information then how do you ever verify that. Even if earthlings built a spaceship and traveled to Venus and there were people there you could just say that the people on Venus are an illusion and that it's actually barren.
9 years ago
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Nothing can exist, not even God, without the help of matter.
Moreover, every atom is septuple in its constitution. It is a compound of physical, Ethereal, Astral, Mental, Causal, Conscious, and Divine atoms. - Samael Aun Weor

Study all of the chapters of this book
9 years ago
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