By Cosmic Dust on Sunday, 21 September 2014
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How do we know if we are identified with any sensation/thought/impression/emotion ?

Critically, what is identification ?

Are there levels and degrees of identification ?
Identification is when your identity (internal state) within a given moment is invested into a given impression, whereby your identity is shaped and conditioned by the impression you are experiencing (mentally, emotionally, and physically). Identification occurs in degrees, when we cease to observe this separation from the internal and external worlds, discriminating the relationship between mind, heart, body and impressions (sensations, whether physical or psychic).

When we identify, we cannot see internal and external impressions for what they are, for our identity (ego) is invested within specific exterior impressions that remain unmasticated and untransformed when striking the senses and the mind. Therefore many times, when watching a film, spectators FEEL themselves in the character, feeling that their identity is one with the actions and impressions they are receiving from the television screen. These people are completely conditioned by what they are experiencing, without being able to differentiate their multiple, fluctuating states of identity within the three brains. Instead, there is only one long stream of experience that appears uniform, since one's attention is focused and concentrated fully within that conditioned perception, yet is unable to perceive the multiplicity of such states in an objective sense. This is a profound form of sleep for the psyche.

We recognize our states of identification when we begin to perceive how our mind constantly reacts to the impressions of the exterior world. This psychological flavor of the Work, as Samael Aun Weor so aptly mentioned, must be cultivated in the harmonious, serene reflection of no-thought.

If we wish to achieve comprehension, we must learn to perceive internal states in relation to external events, in order to arrive at a state of serenity, no-thought, or non-identification; to have no identity within our three brains: emptiness, light, and pure cognizance of a divine and immortal type. This refers specifically to Dianoetic and Noetic analysis, where we cease to identify with thoughts and invest ourselves in their limited and conditioned existence, but learn to separate from our internal chaos to recognize it for what it is.
9 years ago
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