By Mytra on Saturday, 16 August 2014
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Good Evening Instructors

I seem to remember to have read on this website about the other planets of our solar system influencing echother positively in regards of self realisation. Especially the Sun because it is a Christified planet but for some reason, the positive '' rays '' of the other planets dont affect our Earth and this has cause some questioning from extraterrestrial beings into why we are not influenced (if I remember correctly). So why is it that we are not influenced ? Is it because we are to degenerated that we cant receive those rays?
The quote you're recalling is from Cosmic Ships:

Finally, from those of the crew who were seated upon the wood trunks there, one of the ladies stood up, and in the name of all the crew she took the floor and said, “If we place a plant that is not aromatic next to another that is aromatic, the one that is not aromatic would be impregnated with the aroma of the one that is aromatic.”

Soon she continued, “The same happens on inhabited planets. Worlds that previously advanced poorly, with perverse humanities, were little by little transformed by the aroma, the vibration, of neighboring planets. But, as you see, we just arrived here at this planet Earth, and we do not see that the same happens here. What is happening on this planet?”

Well, the question that they asked me was tremendous, and I had to give an answer, then, of high quality… Thus, without reflecting that much, but of course taking care of the word very well, I said, “This planet Earth is a mistake of the Gods…” But soon I completed it, clarifying the concept as best I could, and said, “This is how the Karma of the worlds is.”

And you have Samael's answer to that question right there.

But to understand that answer, we have to look within. First, recognize that the phenomenon they are describing does not relate exclusively to the influence of planets on each other, but happens on many different levels. We influence each other with our psychological vibrations, even if we are not directly interacting with them. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to develop virtue in our thoughts as well as in our words and deeds.

Your intuition on this matter is largely correct, but the problem is not that we are failing to receive those rays. We are still receiving them, but the ego adversely affects how those vibrations are transformed. I have known cases where certain individuals, when they entered places that were peaceful and holy, became more agitated and uncomfortable. These were instances where the positive vibration of a place was transformed by their mind in a negative way.

Furthermore, understand that many of these effects are subtle. There are a lot of influences affecting our mind, all in varying degrees, and in many cases, the subtle psychological vibrations caused by these holy influences are simply being drowned out by the more immediate negative vibrations of our own society and the turbulence of our own mind. If you throw a pebble into a still pond, it is very easy to see the ripples it causes. If you thrown the same stone into the water during a hurricane, it makes the same ripples, but they are very difficult to see, because the waves caused by the storm are dominating the movement of the water. Our mind is like the water during a hurricane.
9 years ago
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