By Stalone Sylvestre on Sunday, 10 August 2014
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Is it possible to have your future self visit you in a dream ?, ive just remembered that I have had a dream about a year ago and he said he was me from the future and he actually did look like me but older and he was warning me about something I forgot what it was I think he said A.A.A but im not sure / another thing is that I think ive had a demonic entity visit me about a year ago before that dream too, I woke up on the edge of my bed in the middle of the night and I saw a dark figure standing there it was dark darker than my room at night it was short like around 4'8" I would say and it was pointing to me, and I could not moved so I closed my eyes and said something like jesus please destroy all demons around me well I yelled it so when I opened my eyes it was gone and this was before I started looking for spiritual truth or any type of truth that is, I know this figure was not just a figment of my imagination and niether do I think I was dreaming it and ive been wondering ever since what it was. Is it possible that its still around me ?
If you want comprehension, you must meditate on the experience.
9 years ago
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