By Beam on Monday, 14 July 2014
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How do you handle not feeling as physically attracted to your spouse as you used to, particularly when you two are still young?

We have been together for a few years, we started off together fornicating in high school, have had a constant up and down relationship, almost two years ago she had sex with another guy, earlier this year I almost did the same but didn't go as far (I have suffered/am suffering greatly for that fall), since then we discovered Maithuna and have practiced it together, we have been trying to figure out if we are each others soul mates or not, but somehow we stick together through thick in thin.

Yet I feel guilty because she seems more physically attracted to me than I do her at this time period (i know it can change), and I don't want to be a narcissist, nor do I want our relationship to be so troubled because I have trouble with her physical appearance. We are doing long distance and she expresses her sexual frustration to me, to which I often come across as unsympathetic because of my physical disconnection.

I remember in several of the lectures that it was stated by an instructor that spouses should be mentally, physically, and emotionally attracted to each other. I try really hard to look past the physical aspect of our relationship because I know there is so much more depth; but it is so hard!

I also feel as though I have to stay with her or I am going against what Paul the Apostle said, and the Master Iahushua.

Can someone give me advice? And maybe direct me to something the Master Samael Aun Weor said about this as well...please?

Thank you
Study this!

Also, remember that in relation to a matrimony, one Persian poet and philosopher once said:
Select a new wife for yourself each spring of the new year, because last year’s calendar is no good.
Do not take this literally. Instead, it means to rejuvenate one's sexual attraction to one's partner through sexual alchemy, since through conservation and sublimation of those forces, the connubial sentiments of Spring are constantly renewed within both souls, thereby making each new year a new marriage, deeper, more profound, enlivened with the fires of love.
9 years ago
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Thank you Almustafa. I will study this indeed. Thank you.
9 years ago
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