By Alex on Sunday, 13 July 2014
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What is the difference between Ishvara and Brahma? And is there a term for oneness with Brahma that is like parabrahmana or similar?
9 years ago
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I would like to know the word for my vocabulary. Also any mantras for the innermost would be appreciated if you could offer me some more, I know and use sssssssss eheieh asher eheieh, om masi padme hum, and AUM, there is a mantra you might be interested in for your own knowledge, Hallelujah Ruach ha Kodesh ya Shekinah, that is really effective, I just feel intuitively I need to know these mantras for speaking to the innermost to 'define' my meditation. I thought there were more included in Samael's books but I couldn't find any besides Om Mani Padme Hum, SSSSSSS, and Omnis AUM. I will do anything for some of these and will share them with my friends who are in this line of spirituality. ANYWAY THANKS A LOT,- Inverencial peace.
9 years ago
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