Friday, 06 June 2014
  1 Replies
  1.9K Visits

I am just wondering if you guys will be releasing the other three Kabbalah courses (Kabbalah 2: Commandments, Kabbalah 3: Four Worlds, & Kabbalah 4: Days of Genesis) in book form like you did the first course Kabbalah: Klipoth.

They are wonderful courses, and I would very much love to have the rest in book form so that I can take them around with me.

Keep up the good work! God bless all, and peace.
10 years ago
Accepted Answer
It is our plan to print those courses as books. However, we have other priorities at the moment.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

10 years ago
Accepted Answer
It is our plan to print those courses as books. However, we have other priorities at the moment.

Joyful in hope, suffering in tribulation, be thou constant in thy prayer.

Benedictis, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis.

"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!"

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