By AlexWalex on Sunday, 18 May 2014
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(Edit: Pssst, dear readers.... This theme morphed in the replies into something about retreat sponsorship.) Am I missing something, or is the site missing something? Is there a chat room in here? My thinking is, how nice it would be!
I am sorry that you are feeling constricted by your present circumstances.

Your suggestion of a retreat sponsorship fund is something we already do. Every year, many of the students at our retreats are able to attend thanks to sponsorships from generous donors. We discuss this on the FAQ page for the retreats:

Question: I cannot afford to got the retreat. Can you sponsor me?

Answer: Please write to Martha. There are people who very generously offer to sponsor others. Sometimes we can offer full sponsorships and sometimes only half sponsorships. If you can pay for half of it, please request only a half sponsorship.

There is often a waiting list for sponsorships, and I do not know how many sponsorships are available for this years' retreats. It depends on the generosity of our donors.

With regards to your transportation costs, keep in mind that we have retreats in different locations every year. If this year they are in locations that are inconvenient for you, perhaps in the future we will be closer to your location. If you are interested in having a retreat near you, perhaps you could take the initiative to organize one. See the following page for details:
9 years ago
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We used to have a chatroom that was open weekly as a component of our live lecture broadcasts, but as far as I know it is no longer utilized. I do not know if there are plans to re-introduce something like that in the future.

In the meantime, if you wish to interact with other Gnostics, we recommend attending one of our retreats:
9 years ago
0 Votes
Thanks, dear Nicodemus.

I'm all excited now and packed up for a retreat! I can hardly wait to have the petals of my heart chacra intertwine with the open chacras of my wonderful beautiful Gnostic brothers and sisters in a hug of universal love! I want that so much, I can almost taste it! Let no one call me an ingrate, because I am always thankful, and let no one call me disrespectful because I am always respectful and polite. Thus, regarding your ricommending that I attend a retreat, have management contact me when you are ready to send me the $250, the money I will need to pay for a retreat, and five times that amount additional for my two-way plane ticket and meals. Don't ask for an itemized advance estimate, I am counting on 1)everyone knowing what mere existence, and on top of it, travel, costs in this world, and 2)a reasonable monetary safety buffer because unexpected risks and extra expenses increase proportional to the distance traveled from one's home neighborhood. Since national parks are favored for retreats, I am not counting lodging expenses, thus I am frugal with other people's money. I am sorry that I will need to actually pay for my transportation, I can't do it by hitch-hiking, because I am a man, not a beautiful woman, thus no male drivers would pick me up due to lack of the Luciferian type of lustful sexual attraction which motivates people in this world. Nor would any woman drivers pick me up, lust or no lust, because they see an unknown man as a potential threat to their safety... and unfortunately, I am tall, with a face and haircut like Arnold Schwartzenegger's, and so I look like I could do some damage, as the expression goes, from the point of view of the average fright-based individual, which is all unfortunate, but what can we do, it's all an unfortunate effect of the type of world we live in.

I know you haven't offered to pay my way. Just letting you know how much it costs, this wonderful recommendation that you made. And as you know, from my previous recent inquiry on this board for making money appear, none has appeared as of yet. Thus if you want to make some appear for me, I will be thankful once more yet. Perhaps the combined prayers of all the Gnostic teachers-volunteers here would have a far faster money-appearing effect for me than mere little ol' me, the worm that I am, as a mere question-asker on this board.

Have a meeting with management and I suggest a "retreat scholarship" be established, with myself as the first recipient. Chip money off of the usual charitable contributions which this organization receives and allot from that for this.

I am trying to be creatively helpful so that positive things can happen here.

Establish a kitty, with a bulb thermometer illustration by it, whereby at the rate of $10 minimum acceptable contribution per person, the needed amount will build up in no time to send one poor Gnostic devotee to a retreat. Give it extra encouragement by suggesting to persons that they give up a $10 lunch and turn it into a spiritual fast. I would save that way too, but I am already eating only one meal per day and already frequently forgo that in order to save for some necessities other than food. I nominate myself for the first recipient, since I incepted this idea. Don't forget to put a tab on the main page for this as a distinctly identified gifting option, perhaps with the red color in the thermometer rising as it gathers more. I am sure that the personal starting seed contributions of management and the Gnostic teachers, all giving as private individuals, out of pocket, will give good vibes to this noble endeavor, attracting more good money to the initial blessed money.

I wake up every morning with a feeling of positive expectation, not to mention with the Morning Prayer. When I need, I request. When I want to know, I ask. When something wonderful is suggested to me as a solution to my question, but for which I don't have the money, I rack my brain to do the best I can.

If you suggest a job, I am ready to accept one, the one that you would offer me, whereby the only jobs that are real are the ones that are actually offered to me, and I don't know what happens to the rest that one hears of, none of them are mine, so none of them pay a salary to me. One never knows, so I remain open. And I ask My Father who art in Secret to coordinate and consecutively line up for me all the wonderful things that are headed down the pike for me, with my secretly wishing for that suggested Gnostic retreat to be amongst the first of the good things to come.

Thank you for recommending. Thank you for reading. I will mark this matter as resolved when your recommendation to me manifests.
9 years ago
0 Votes
Thank you so much, Nicodemus.

"1763-answers-to-frequentl-questions-about-retreats.html". Whewh! I am very glad that you pulled out from the 1763 answers the specific matter of what I needed to know here. I really couldn't have done it, or known it, without you. Your on-the-nose answer, given to your self-constructed short and clear-cutting question, according to your correct perception of my needs, also served to additionally benefit my spiritual development by way of saving me time, whereby I can now apply this time to hopefully read as many pages yet in Samael Aun Weor's wonderful books.

I wrote to Martha as you suggested. Thank you for referring me and directing me appropriately.

Suggestion: A tab on the front page stating that this organization is offering retreat sponsorships. My mind is with those others who would feel just as glad to have this sponsorship information more overtly availed for their gandering.

Thus, the new proposed tab consecutivity across the top may possibly be: "Gnostic Teachings, News, Learn, Social, Give, Retreat Sponsorships, Shop". If you will notice, the change is in my having added "Retreat Sponsorships".

Do you like it? It is my modest effort, since I am not a site designer nor an organization runner. I thought that placing the new tab right after the "Give" tab seems logical, since generous donors's money can come in through the "Give" tab, and then go out through the "Retreat Sponsorships" tab. Two intimately related things placed next to each other. And they are mutually dependent too, whereby no generous donors, no retreat sponsorships to be had. I just realized that it works conversely too, as in, no retreat sponsorships to request, because there aren't any generous enough donors. Some additional supporting logic from word proximity positioning may be drawn from the subtle suggestion that one should give first, through the sooner-encountered "Give" tab, prior to exchanging the money for gross material items, such as would occur under any "Shop" tab. Thus to some slight degree, perhaps to a merely debatable degree, the placement of "Retreat Sponsorships" prior to "Shop" acts as some type of a valuation and encouragement of giving over receiving. Well, I hope that makes sense to you anyway, the way it does to me. And I am leaving my reasoning at this, without suggesting any further relationships between the items.

I must also thank you for my comparatively more elated spirits now, the way one feels when something wonderful seems closer and more possible for attainment.

Lest I forget, thank you also for the suggestion that I may take the initiative to organize a retreat near me. I feel validated by your crediting me with such an ability. Without going into it too extensively, please understand that such an undertaking is a matter of aptitude, amongst other things, whereby no one has ever followed anything I have ever initiated, and that is how I know that initiation and organizing are not in my aptitude, you see. And also at least part of the other considerations is that the time and effort which would need to be put into initiating and organizing are badly needed by me to be applied towards supplementing my physical subsistence with activities such as going to charitable food pantries, riding on my rusted bike to distant grocery stores to save from slight pricing differentiation on some food items, and when needed, begging for extra food money. And I want to keep that short, to the extent that I wanted to offer a legit reply to your kind suggestion, but without making it into something about my personal situation.

Thank you again.
9 years ago
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