By Yaldú on Saturday, 17 May 2014
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I have experienced some difficulty with trying to meditate shortly after a meal.
Is there some kind of issue with meditating with a full stomach? I've been told that one needs to wait a while, about an hour, before trying to meditate.
From the point of view of practical occultism, the first requisite is a sane mind in a sound body, and whatever diet produces that result is a satisfactory diet. It will always be found however, that the presence of food in the stomach, even in small quantities, renders work upon the subtle planes more difficult or even impossible, therefore it is advisable to have no food of any sort for at least two hours before undertaking any practical work.
- Dion Fortune

Whether someone can handle meditation after eating depends on the individual. Many people find that it adds an extra layer of difficulty to their practice. The type of food you eat can also have an affect. Heavy foods are more likely to induce drowsiness, for instance.

So if you find, as it seems you have, that eating prior to your meditation is having an adverse effect on your practice, try to arrange your day in such a way as to be able to practice without that obstacle.
10 years ago
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