By Loofa on Sunday, 16 February 2014
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Greetings all!

I was reading an introductory article on Gnosis and dietary guidelines. One thing mentioned in a section labeled as "Dietary Dangers" said that Gnostics should NOT practice veganism, because animal foods have nutrients not available in plant foods.

Firstly, this is extremely incorrect. A simple internet search can prove that there is zero validity to this statement. Absolutely every essential nutrient needed to sustain human life can be found in all types of plant sources. Every clinical research study conveys this. There is also infallible scientific evidence which shows that consuming animal products damages the body and causes multiple types of cancer and other devastating conditions. So... what gives? Did the Gnostic instructor that wrote the introductory article simply slip up and make a mistake based on poorly-sourced information? Or perhaps a bit of personal bias? This makes no sense.

Lastly, we all know the merciless cruelty and abuse that takes place in slaughterhouses and even dairy farms. All the proof has been made public. How can one continue to eat from these industries - thus continuing to support them - knowing that innocent creatures have been removed from their natural habitats to be held captive for their milk, eggs and meat? How can any Gnostic be okay with the idea of innocent beings suffering for nothing more than our pleasure? Being kicked around, kept in small cages all their life, left to wallow in their own excrement? I do not understand how a Gnostic instructor can promote the support of these murderous corporations that have the poor health of the nation in the palms of their hands... Isn't the ultimate goal of Gnosis the liberation of all beings from suffering???

Can someone please shed some light on this? It would be most appreciated.
Recommending a healthy diet is not the same as condoning the savage treatment of animals in this era. It is distressing how we — humanity, every one of us — have converted this planet into a true hell.

That hell is not just for us and the animals. Plants and minerals are also conscious, at their levels. We make them suffer, too.

This planet is very far from the pure place it once was. There are no pure plants or minerals. Even that which is labelled as "pure" is actually deeply contaminated on every level, because everything on this planet is interconnected. Nothing is isolated. As an example, you can go to the highest mountain in Asia, and find plenty of pollution from the western hemisphere, carried there by the atmosphere, by the water, the rain... The plants suffer from pollution, chemicals, being harvested by machines, etc etc

Everything we eat is an act of killing. The plant that you eat also suffers and dies. It has a lower level of consciousness than the animal, yet it is still a living thing. So too the mineral. That salad you are eating is the body of a soul.

"Simply, each plant organism is the body of an elemental of Nature. Therefore, it is not the plant that cures. It is the elemental of the plant, its mantras, and the healing that is performed incessantly that cures.

"The elemental of a plant furiously reacts against the herbalist who tears apart its physical body. Therefore, this wounded elemental not only does not cure, but moreover, it harms, because the vitality of the plant is psychologically altered with the anger or with the terror inflicted upon it." - Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic

The same is true when you eat a fruit or a vegetable. You cannot hear it, but the plant you chew is suffering.

Eating is the way of nature; everything is part of a cycle. To live, you must kill. Nevertheless, this must be done in balance, and with knowledge.

Here, we learn how to eat with respect for nature, as our ancestors did. We eat consciously. We eat while aware of eating, and we use mantras while eating. We show respect to the souls who die to sustain our life. In that, we elevate that sacrifice, and aid the elementals.

You are free to adopt any diet you wish. What we eat is not what takes us to liberation. We know well what Jesus taught:

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

Liberation is not determined by our diet, but by how we transform ourselves. For example, the Dalai Lama is a great master, yet he eats meat, as do many other masters.

Animal bodies transform energies of a certain voltage, needed to nourish certain levels of spiritual work. For beginners, that is not necessary. Yet, for those who need it, since they are working at those levels, they know how to transform those energies in a way that is not only healthy for them, but also aids the animal.

Jacob is Tiphereth. When you reach Tiphereth, and you have already created your bodies, and you are in the Half of the Half of the time, then Samael appears at another level and says, "Fight me. If you defeat me, you will receive your sacred name and become a Son of God, a Son of the Sun." But, understand me, this is another step in relation with the Great Work; in that work, you have to help the lower Monads because this is precisely the path of the middle, in which the Initiate helps the lower Monads to rise. How do you help them to rise? How does Christ help you when you incarnate him? Christ enters into you and starts making a revolution; that is, revolving the Gibor in the clockwise direction. That is what the Lord does, because the other forces like Judas, Pilate, and Caiaphas rotate the wheel in the opposite way, and the Lord comes and does it in the clockwise direction. He is rebellious. He is against everything. With that action from your psyche, he is turning you, and with his own essence (the fire), taking your consciousness to another level: Solar Man, Galactic Man, and beyond—a Kosmic Man. In the same way that he helps, we also have to imitate him. How do we imitate him? When you eat your vegetables, your plants, your cereals, you are helping the Monads in that kingdom through your transmutation, to elevate them to the higher levels. If you eat that with a lot of hunger, and then go and fornicate, you are sending them down. The real Initiate eats, drinks the water, eats plants, eats cereals, and also eats flesh, because he loves the animals. The Monads of the animals also need to go up. When you eat the flesh of an animal and you transmute it, you are elevating that Monad, helping it, showing it how to do it. If you are a vegetarian, okay, that is good, but how are you going to help the animals? By giving a lecture? They do not understand English; they only understand the animal languages. However, if you eat them, through the Law of the Cosmic Common Trogoautoegocrat, and digest them into your own honey, and you transmute it, then those Monads whose elements are in the flesh will feel elevated through your spiritual work.

If you are not doing that, it does not matter if you eat meat or not, but if you do the Work, then you understand why the Human Being feeds himself with the three inferior kingdoms—Animal Kingdom, Vegetable Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom—because we need to help those Monads too. For that you kill them, because when you eat an apple, you are killing the apple. Do not think that only when you eat meat are you killing the animal. No, you also destroy the life that is there, when you digest it. That is precisely the meaning of the Work, the Pancatattva. I am not teaching you to be carnivorous, but you have to help those animals too, especially in this day and age, because they suffer. Eventually these animals will become intellectual animals, and they will think, "Well, when I was an animal, somebody ate my body, and I felt how he transmuted the energy and elevated me, and taught me through experiencing that." That is the Law of the Cosmic Common Trogoautoegocrat; it is not only to be swallowed and to swallow. It is a psychological and spiritual process. It goes up even to the Monad, because anything that you find, has a Monad, has an intelligence, has essence, whether it is an apple, whether it is water that you drink, whether it is honey that you eat, or a piece of meat, fish, etc." - Rune Perth

We have a course and many lectures about this subject; here are a few:
10 years ago
0 Votes
I very much appreciate your prompt reply.

So even though all things and beings have consciousness at some level, shouldn't we be choosing to consume beings at the lowest level of consciousness in order to simply commit the least amount of evil possible? I understand that we must eat, and by eating ANYTHING, there is a certain degree of sacrifice at play. But wouldn't it be better to eat what we know is at a lower level simply to avoid the suffering of those beings that we know can feel the fear and pain of being tortured and slaughtered on a much deeper and profound level? Again, even if it just comes down to a matter of choosing the lesser evil, wouldn't it make sense to do so?

I understand that everything has an essence. But plants cannot exhibit signs of pain. They unfortunately cannot say "Please stop what you are doing to me", and they actually BENEFIT our health as humans. Animals, on the other hand, CAN exhibit signs of pain and fear and regret.

Ethics aside, wouldn't it just make more sense to consume only plant foods considering there is no longer any debate whatsoever over the fact that animal foods harm the human body, even in "balanced" amounts? Just as the plants we eat today are not the same pure plants we ate in the past, neither is the meat.

Even Samael Aun Veor said that maintaining physical health is extremely important, and stated during his final days that he neglected to take care of his physical body adequately.
10 years ago
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The way to the higher kingdoms is determined by creating and utilizing individual will, which is not beholden to collective will. Rather, individual will is an expression of the will of the Innermost Being. Nevertheless, in order to create individual will, one needs atoms of very high spiritual value, which cannot be obtained exclusively from the lower kingdoms. If that were possible, we could reach liberation from those lower kingdoms, yet none of the lower kingdoms can do that. Liberation is the result of a transformation of energy, not any theory or intention. The only one who knows what energies we need — and when — is our Innermost Being: that knowledge is not found in the mind, beliefs,or feelings. To acquire liberation, we first must learn how to hear the guidance of the Innermost, then we must act on it. You may not need to eat meat. Yet, you may. That is something only you, through meditation and prayer, can discover. This is not a matter of debate, research, theory, or belief. It is a matter of getting guidance from the Innermost.

All of this is explained in books and lectures.

The materials we recommended you study suggest that those who do consume meat attempt to eat in moderation, only what is needed, and from the most humane sources possible. Obviously, the best would be to raise one's own food. The relationship between the grower and the food supply is a critical one; done properly, it benefits both.

Specifically regarding meat, it is recommended to find halal sources, since in that tradition the animals are treated like their children, and are never allowed to suffer.
10 years ago
0 Votes
I was wondering if it's harmful to use a blender for plants and vegetables. Is this too extreme/violent, since they are being destroyed rather aggressively by a machine prior to us ingesting them? Thank you for your time!

10 years ago
0 Votes
Thank you again for your reply. I will meditate on this!
10 years ago
1 Votes
Presently I am reading and putting into praxis the Yellow Book. In this book Samael Aun Weor recommends:

Esoteric Diet
Breakfast: Toasted bread with pure honey, hot milk, and fruit.
Lunch: Must consist of vegetables, fruits, and any type of grain.
Dinner: Bread with pure honey and hot milk. Nothing more.

Apparently, it does not include any meat. Wouldn’t this be in favor of a vegetarian diet? If not – as explained by Matthew Thomas – then why didn’t he mention the meat?
10 years ago
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By all means, it stands out with completely dazzling clarity the intrinsic necessity for a gradual ascension toward the transcendental origins of universal life.

Such an ascension is going to have as its base the organic nature of the Pentad.

With respect to the organic subject, ether is encountered as being closely related to woman or to sexuality (Maithuna); air to wine *(Madya); fire to meat (Mamsa); water to fish (Matsya) and earth to grains (Mudra). [*Samael Aun Weor clarifies below that the “wine” used in White Tantra is always unfermented; in other words, grape juice.]
Thus, by the intelligent enjoyment of the five “M’s” (Maithuna, Madya, Mamsa, Matsya, Mudra), that is: woman, wine, meat, fish, and grains, we invoke the power (Shakti) of the elements, bringing it to the present within ourselves here and now.

The Pancatattva makes Shakti-Puja possible.  In other words, this was the Gnostic cult to the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti.
The wonderful sparks of Maha-Kundalini are found within all the properties of Nature’s five elements.

We urgently need to turn these sparks into flames within ourselves.

Unquestionably, even when the hidden Inner Divinity is not found within the intellectual animal mistakenly called human being, it consciously extends its innermost energy through the ritual Pancatattva with the clear purpose of helping the Essence in the process of awakening...

We must know clearly that the five elements are diverse forms of one power, and therefore, they attempt to attract the life within the Innermost Being in order to unite it with the external life, the immanent with the transcendent, so that the Being recognizes itself in the here and now.

We need to learn to live intensely from instant to instant in the world of the five elements.

Karma Yoga, the path of the straight line, has its foundations in the law of the scale.

How can we exercise power with supreme mastery over the Akashic Tattva without Sahaja Maithuna (Sexual Magic)?

According to Indian tradition, Ramakrishna had Sarada Devi sit on the throne of the Divine Mother within the temple.  At the same time, he began to sing the hymn to Devi Kundalini with the ancestral ritual ceremony, which culminated in the famous Shorashi Puja, the adoration of woman. He and she achieved Samadhi during the Maithuna... In this way one reaches the point of exercising all power over the Akashic Tattva.

It is written with words of fire in the book of splendors that the power of the Solar Logos is not found in the brain, the heart, or in any other organ of the body, rather exclusively in the sexual organs, the phallus and the uterus.

In no way whatsoever would we be able to develop the Akashic powers in our innermost constitution if we made the mistake of fornicating, committing adultery, or hating sex. “All sin will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit... (sex).”

Once, upon finding myself outside of the physical body, I asked my Divine Mother Kundalini the following question: “Is it possible for anyone in the physical world to achieve the realization of the Innermost Self without Sexual Magic?”

The response was both terrible and shocking.  “Impossible, my son, that is simply impossible.” I was deeply impressed and moved in the innermost depths of my soul...

What can we say about the Vayu Tattva, the element of air?  What is its relationship with the fruit of the vine?

Obviously, no drunkard can possibly acquire the marvelous powers of the Vayu Tattva...

It is clearly evident that pure unfermented wine is used with success in the ritual of Pancatattva...

By what method or manner can we acquire the miraculous igneous powers of the Tejas Tattva if we make the mistake of renouncing the carnivorous element?  Unfortunately, the human multitude either becomes radically vegetarian or turns almost cannibalistic.

What can be said about the Apas Tattva and its formidable powers?  It is obvious that the secret which allows us to control storms and walk on water is found in fish.  Unfortunately, people either hate seafood or eat too much of it.

How can we conquer the powers of the prithvi Tattva, the earth element, if we hate cereals, vegetables and plants or if we misuse them?

From the aforementioned, it follows that all the elements, of the earth as well as the flesh, are in essence absolutely pure.  When the Vira enjoys pleasure without the slightest hint of a personal nature, the primitive cause of the cosmos, the world of phenomena, the world of Maya, is revealed in sex.

The Tattvic currents, which are encountered in the cosmos in harmony with structural forces that produce the evolution and devolution of the universe, are manifested as a boundary of creation and the first-born of Nature in such a way that it raises an immense potency and transforms the willpower of Vira who proceeds to blaze on the live coals of Maha-Kundalini. -
The Mystery of the Golden Blossom by Samael Aun Weor

Question: Beloved Master, when you addressed the gluttons in regard to the disequilibrium of the scales, can we by analogy say the same about those who ignorantly yet voluntarily lack adequate nutrition, especially because of their unawareness about the eternal, common, cosmic Trogoautoegocrat Law. Can we therefore consider that the orthodox parishioners who have created a religion within their kitchen, or rather the vegetarians, will dwell within the fourth circle which you are bringing up in this lecture?

Samael Aun Weor: Respectable gentleman, in regard to your question, allow me to tell you with completely dazzling clarity that everybody is free to feed themselves as they please. There exist unbearable vegetarians who have created a religion out of food, likewise there exist upon the Earth bloody, carnivorous, near cannibals, who have also destroyed their organism. So, there are variety of nonsensicalities in this life. Thus regarding disequilibrium, everybody is guilty, since everyone violates the law of the scales, and the outcome of any violation is not pleasant.

However, it is not irrelevant to repeat that everyone is free to nourish themselves as they please. Nevertheless, we must not forget the law. If we destroy our bodies, we will have to endure the consequences. Regardless, it is convenient to specify that many vegetarians exist within the abysses. However, none of them suffer there because of the crime of eating vegetables, but because of many other causes and motives. Again, about nutritional matters, let everybody eat whatever they please. What is important, I repeat, is not to break the law, and that is all. - Hell, the Devil and Karma by Samael Aun Weor
10 years ago
1 Votes
Thank you, Lion of Judah. Has the recommendation in the Yellow Book, which appears to be vegetarian, then been made for a special purpose? Like sometimes you need to follow a certain diet in order to make a specific experience or to develop a particular faculty …

In other words, while practicing what is taught in the book (as f.e. Christic Egytian Pranayama, transmutation for singles, travel in Jinn state, astral projection, Kandil Bandil Rrrr mantric song for the awakening of Kundalini etc.) should we limit our alimentation to the esoteric diet described in the book? Or is it better to choose a varied/balanced diet to our convenience as long as it is healthy?
10 years ago
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