By Steven on Wednesday, 08 January 2014
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As I understand Shekinah is feminine and Binah describes the duality of the Holy Spirit. Are there any Hebraic words which describe solely the masculine aspect of the Holy Spirit, such as Shiva in Hinduism?
אלהים - Binah is Elohim or אלהמים Elahmim

אל-הים = The Sea God

אלה-ים = Sea Goddess

המים = The waters

Mi [מי] of the heavens above is the highest pole [Elohim-Daath]; Mah [מה] of the heavens below is
the lower pole [Elohim-Yesod], and [אלה - these] the heritage of Jacob [Tiphereth- the heaven in the middle] stands between these extremities of the heavens Mi (who) and Mah (what). - Zohar

And Elohim [Mi and Mah] said, Let there be [these Aleh-אלה in] a firmament [heaven] in [Tiphereth] the midst of [המים] the waters, and let it divide the waters [of אל-הים = The Sea God] from the waters [of אלה-ים = The Sea Goddess]. - Genesis 1: 6
10 years ago
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