By Truthsetfree on Wednesday, 11 December 2013
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When someone likes a post (or a reply to a answer) that we have posted then we get a message in our mailbox simply stating:

You are receiving this email because [nick] liked your post.

However we do not see which post it is that this user has found to be beneficial. Please add this information to this mail send-out system or if not, then please do remove it; it serves no purpose anymore.

(Deemed purpose of present system: to let user know when they made a worthy and beneficial post so that they may know how to improve as well as be motivated to improve both the quality and the contexts being handled in their future posts.)
The instructor responsible for maintaining the forum is working to revise many parts of the website to make it more efficient. I will definitely try to contact him about improving features like this.
10 years ago
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