By Aum_Raphael on Wednesday, 27 November 2013
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I've read a lot of gnostic literature in the last years, and now I'm about to undertake the great experiment. Before the experiments can start a couple of questions need to be answered.

1. As a man in my late 30's, what's the ideal age for an eventual spouse? Is an young vital woman preferable over a matured woman in the late 50's for example

2. How long do you have to transmute (practice sex without orgasm) before getting results, and what kind of results should one expect?

3. I have practiced yoga for a couple of years. The 3 last exercises of the 5 tibetan rites (also used by Samael Aur Weor) followed by Falun Dafa exercises ( and my prana is very strong as a result of these combined programs and finger mudras. Ida and pingala is a part of our sentral nervous system and I feel big difference when I do finger mudras after the exercises found in the 5 tibetan rites compared to if I don't do the exercises before the fingermudras. And my question is if that also is the case when two genitalias unites (theoretically it shouldn't differ to much from when a thumb and index finger unites)? If that's the case it's maybe ideal if one's spouse also practice yoga and have an active prana before one starts to transmute?

Gnostic regards
1. The prerequisite for a sexual relationship is not age, culture, hair color, etc., it is LOVE.

If you are making plans and calculations, it is because you are not in love. Reflect on it before you take the great step. Are you really in love? - LOVE

2. The best result is to learn what love really is.

3. Comparing the power of any exercise done as a single compared to transmutation of a couple who is in love is like comparing a matchstick to the radiance of the sun.

Read this carefully:
10 years ago
0 Votes
A touch of love is good, no doubt about that. But I thought you guys considered this work as a science. One has different mantras and so on, different recipes and formulas exists: sexual alchemy, ajahuasca awakenings and the dreaded drupka formula.

Doesn't the gnostic church execute surveys as other serious organisations?
9 years ago
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Love is a science. Study and meditate on The Perfect Matrimony to know why!

For your own information, we do not condone Ayahuasca in any way, nor any other hallucinogenic substances for supposed "spiritual purposes." Psychedelic drugs are for idiots, lunatics who follow the devolving path of the moon, as explained by Dante in his Divine Comedy. Such substances are sure recipes for disaster!
9 years ago
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