By IO on Friday, 01 November 2013
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In this tradition we are confronted with a great number of difficulties right away and this is compounded by our negative minds and the negative circumstances that surround us. We also have a warrior like type of energy going through us and we aspire to ultimately strive for perfection in whatever we do. This can be difficult due to the aforementioned circumstances: we are facing difficulties. Thus the point here is that often these warrior like energies and striving for perfection get caught up in incorrect activities and circumstances.

It is necessary then to find venues and challenges that you can enjoy and take on, of your own accord and through your own enjoyment, in order to place that warrior energy in, to strive for perfection in. What I would like to share with you is my discovery of Latin.

Learning Latin is very good for a number of reasons. Let us evaluate some of the reasons:

1) Samael Aun Weor places great importance on the Word, or the Verb. Indeed, even the name of the author we are studying places importance on the Word. Let us analyze some of the paragraphs that were wrote:

"His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God.” - Revelation 19:12-13

"The name of my Real Being is hidden within the name “Word of God” because the Bible is highly symbolic. God is represented with the monosyllable “Aun” or “Aum.” Word or Verb is within “Weor,” which is pronounced Veor, so the W is the V sound. This W together with the remaining three letters (e-r-o) of Verb and Word form “Weor.” Thus, we have the name Aun Weor (Aum Weor, Aum Word, God Word) hidden within the phrase “Word of God.” - The Revolution of Beelzebub

One must achieve the perfection of the word within oneself. One must achieve the wisdom of the word within oneself. - Samael Aun Weor

(It is worth mentioning that Latin shares many of the esoteric vocalizations of the vowels. V is pronounced with a W. So Vir, which means man, is pronounced Wir, or weer. And of course Vir, or man, can be found in the English word virile, so it's simple to remember).

2) Latin has very ancient roots. Studies of the Proto Indo-European language, an ancient language from around 6000 years ago indicate that the most popular word in Latin, "to be" is very similar to this prototypical language.

For example, sum is similar to "esmi", es is similar to "essi", est is very similar to "esti", so those are the first, second and third person singular comparisons. As for plural, sumus is very similar to "smes", estis is somewhat seen in "sthe", and sunt is quite similar to "senti". In English, these words are "I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are".

In learning this language, you will be learning a language that was in use from about the second century BC to 1800 AD and amongst the most powerful and influential line of civilizations on earth. You will be enhancing your understanding of the English language a great deal as English has a great amount of French influence and French is based on Latin. Aside from that, Latin had a direct influence on England via direct occupation of England by the Romans, the Invasion of the Normans, and the direct influence of Latin during the Renaissance era, the latter two introducing some 20,000 Latin words into the English language.

You will also be learning the language that all the Romance languages sprang from. Romance does not mean "love" in this case, it actually means Rome. Latin can serve as a springboard in order to understand these languages, and learning each one will help your understanding of the other. It is also worth noting that since you know English, it will be much easier to memorize Latin vocabulary. Lastly, you will not have to worry a great deal about the speaking and listening component, so you can place more emphasis on learning the declensions and vocabulary, intensifying your ability to rapidly learn the language.

3) It's a fun challenge. It feels difficult at the beginning, but with a moderate amount of immersion and memorization of some simple tables, you can become fairly proficient quite rapidly for the amount of effort invested. You could even study it at university as part of a language requirement to a bachelor's degree. In this way you are learning a new language and conquering a spiritually beneficial objective, while securing education that can potentially help land you a better job.

Let's leave it at that. If this hasn't sold you on the idea, let me just say this from my own personal experience: it can be difficult and challenging at first, but if you apply yourself then you finally realize that you are making significant headway and are actually able to form correct sentences based on the small amount of vocabulary you learn. Then it becomes a spark that can light a fire, everything you encounter just becomes fuel to enhance what can be the entertaining challenge of learning Latin. Given all the esoteric texts written in Latin you are even presented with the unique ability to combine your interests, this has huge potential.

Here are some great resources for learning the basics of Latin:

Latin for the New Millennium: Student Text (Latin Edition), Level 1. Hard Cover, might be available in PDF form. This is an excellent resource and I would consider investing in this text as it is used in university Classics classes. It is very approachable and utilizes myths to teach.

Rosetta Stone, Latin. This is a good complimentary resource but it doesn't seem to provide you with the intellectual knowledge you need to understand to be proficient at reading and writing, in my experience.

This Youtube channel: . If you don't have a Latin teacher than this guy is an excellent substitute. His videos are very structured and he is very on topic with exactly what is useful for your work memory.

Also check your city for Latin Mass, which is frequently available and always looking for people to attend and celebrate the language.

Plenty of good and practical reasons to investigate this language. If you want, try studying the first declension. Latin is far more structured than English and once you understand some fundamental notions, then the only thing standing in your way is the vocabulary, and that is a wonderful implication.
Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas
10 years ago
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Debem exerceas in via de iustus sanctare.
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Respondit Iesus et dixit eis solvite sanctuarium hoc et in tribus diebus excitabo illud.
Dixerunt ergo Iudaei quadraginta et sex annis aedificatum est sanctuarium hoc et tu tribus diebus excitabis illud
Ille autem dicebat de sanctuarium corporis sui. - Iohannes 2: 19-21
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