By Jim on Friday, 20 September 2013
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Inverrencial peace.
It states on your website "Depurating Plants.
Sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis), “Gualanday” (Jacaranda spp.), grass, Ash tree (leaves)....
Each one of these plants has the following properties: expels away venomous substances from the blood; cures chronic head colds, eczema...."
Could you shed some light on how these plants are meant to be taken to cure eczema?
Kind regards.
Here is what Samael Aun Weor says in Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic regarding the use of those plants for eczema. Please note I have not personally tried this particular cure, so I will not be able to offer guidance in implementing it.

Eczema, Dry or Purulent Rashes on the Extremities (Limbs, Hands, Feet) or on the Body

Decoction of:

Gualanday (Jacaranda caucana Pittier) - thirty grams
"Grama Blanca" - thirty grams
Bark of Oak ("Flor Amarilla") - thirty grams
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.)
Sarsaparilla (the root, Smilax officinalis)

The following plants are used in order to bathe the affected parts: "Frutillo" (big leaves, Rauvolfia ligustrina Roem.) and "Matandrea" (Alpinia occidentalis) or from plums (coast of Colombia).

Formula for an ointment for Eczema: Add sulphur to one ounce of "Otova" (Nutmeg of Colombia) and 25 drops of Phenolic Acid, 5 drops of "Canime." Mix everything together and dab this cream upon the affected area at night before going to bed and after bathing the affected area.

In addition to the drinking three glassfuls daily of the decoction above (of five aforementioned plants), the patient must also alternately drink "amargo sulphuroso y tricocalcio" (bitter sulphuric and tricocalcium), a remedy, which contains three types of limes: mineral, vegetal and animal, must be drank. First, consume the bitter one, then the calcium; at least three small bottles or jars of each one.

No type of meat can be eaten during the treatment, nor should one drink any type of liquor. Absolutely no liquor or meat should be consumed.
10 years ago
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