

  Wednesday, 18 September 2013
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What or who is belilin from the protection chant found on page 56 from the book divine science?
10 years ago
Accepted Answer

The Gnostic Bible, the Pistis Sophia, talks about Barbelos. "Bar" means Son in Aramaic; and "Belos" derives from "Bel" which is represented in Greek as "Belos" and in Latin as "Belus;" thus, "Belos" is rooted in the Chaldean word "Bel" meaning tower of fire. Among the Gauls, Bel is also the name for the sun. So "Bar," the Son of the tower of fire "Belos", is the "Light" that the Rune Ingwaz gathers through its upper V that is symbolized in the bowl of the chalice or in the bowl of an amphora.

We as amphoras always receive the strength of "Bel" from above through our Kether, into our "Adam," head, bowl or tower, to effect the work of salvation that Bar (Son) or Ing (Son of) in the heart, has to perform in us. Moreover, let us observe the base of the chalice-amphora, which in the Rune Ingwaz is an upside-down V or an upside down Rune Kaum, or more specifically a Rune Ar. The Rune Ar relates also to Bar ; "Baron= the son of the earth;" and the bowl to BEL-ING, the son of the sun or (Beliling) the "Children of BEL" (Tiphereth, the sun) who also collects from the earth. Thus, in order for Bar (Son) to act, that is, in order for ING, or the son of the heart and sun, to act in us, it also needs the base of the chalice. The base receives the strength of Yesod, the sexual energy and the strength of Malkuth, the earth, because in synthesis Yesod and Malkuth are one feminine Sephirah, "Eve". Therefore, the upside-down V or the upside down Rune Kaum, or the Rune Ar in the chalice represents the female aspect, or wife of Belos, the Sun, or better said, Belit-ili, the "Lady of the Gods" of the Akkadians; the Moon, the Divine Mother Kundalini. This reminds us of a conjuration taught by Master Samael Aun Weor.

Those who tread the path are often erotically attacked by the tenebrous ones (usually at night) while their bodies repose during their normal sleep. Temples of black magic exist in the Internal Worlds, thus, naturally, their tenebrous members send certain very beautiful and seductive black sorceresses (children of Lilith) to male students, with the sole purpose of making them fall sexually. They know that if the student spills the seminal liquid, the Kundalini descends and thus the weak and naive student loses power.

Mantric Chant

Therefore, it is necessary for the students to learn how to defend themselves from these tenebrous nocturnal erotic attacks. To that effect, the Angel Aroch revealed a mantric chant to us, for personal defense against the tenebrous ones. Sing this mantric chant before going to sleep:

"Belilin... Belilin... Belilin... amphora of salvation I would like to be next to thee, materialism is strengthless next to me, Belilin... Belilin... Belilin..." - Angel ARoch.

Study this lecture

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

10 years ago
Accepted Answer

The Gnostic Bible, the Pistis Sophia, talks about Barbelos. "Bar" means Son in Aramaic; and "Belos" derives from "Bel" which is represented in Greek as "Belos" and in Latin as "Belus;" thus, "Belos" is rooted in the Chaldean word "Bel" meaning tower of fire. Among the Gauls, Bel is also the name for the sun. So "Bar," the Son of the tower of fire "Belos", is the "Light" that the Rune Ingwaz gathers through its upper V that is symbolized in the bowl of the chalice or in the bowl of an amphora.

We as amphoras always receive the strength of "Bel" from above through our Kether, into our "Adam," head, bowl or tower, to effect the work of salvation that Bar (Son) or Ing (Son of) in the heart, has to perform in us. Moreover, let us observe the base of the chalice-amphora, which in the Rune Ingwaz is an upside-down V or an upside down Rune Kaum, or more specifically a Rune Ar. The Rune Ar relates also to Bar ; "Baron= the son of the earth;" and the bowl to BEL-ING, the son of the sun or (Beliling) the "Children of BEL" (Tiphereth, the sun) who also collects from the earth. Thus, in order for Bar (Son) to act, that is, in order for ING, or the son of the heart and sun, to act in us, it also needs the base of the chalice. The base receives the strength of Yesod, the sexual energy and the strength of Malkuth, the earth, because in synthesis Yesod and Malkuth are one feminine Sephirah, "Eve". Therefore, the upside-down V or the upside down Rune Kaum, or the Rune Ar in the chalice represents the female aspect, or wife of Belos, the Sun, or better said, Belit-ili, the "Lady of the Gods" of the Akkadians; the Moon, the Divine Mother Kundalini. This reminds us of a conjuration taught by Master Samael Aun Weor.

Those who tread the path are often erotically attacked by the tenebrous ones (usually at night) while their bodies repose during their normal sleep. Temples of black magic exist in the Internal Worlds, thus, naturally, their tenebrous members send certain very beautiful and seductive black sorceresses (children of Lilith) to male students, with the sole purpose of making them fall sexually. They know that if the student spills the seminal liquid, the Kundalini descends and thus the weak and naive student loses power.

Mantric Chant

Therefore, it is necessary for the students to learn how to defend themselves from these tenebrous nocturnal erotic attacks. To that effect, the Angel Aroch revealed a mantric chant to us, for personal defense against the tenebrous ones. Sing this mantric chant before going to sleep:

"Belilin... Belilin... Belilin... amphora of salvation I would like to be next to thee, materialism is strengthless next to me, Belilin... Belilin... Belilin..." - Angel ARoch.

Study this lecture

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

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