By Sardis on Wednesday, 11 September 2013
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Samael Aun Weor says we cannot awaken the Kundalini or incarnate the soul without the wife or husband. He says Swami X is mistaken when he said that feminine matter can be married to male spirit.

Most of Gnosis strikes me as 'Truth' when I hear it. But this is one thing that I am having difficulty with. If this is true then what about those who were born attracted to those of the same sex as them? What about those with mental or physical impairments who never find a partner in this world obsessed with physical looks? What about those who lost their partners? What about elderly people who have lost their libidos?

The conserving of sexual energy by not spilling the seed makes perfect sense to me but to have to rely on a partner to transmute this energy doesn't make sense to me. Transmuting energy is transmuting energy. What difference is it whether through meditation or through having sex?

Even the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.
10 years ago
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Are you an old man? Are you an old woman? Are you an invalid? Then do not be disappointed, beloved child. Do not fill yourself with affliction, because in your future reincarnation you can work with the Arcanum A.Z.F., and you will convert yourselves into Gods.

Nevertheless, if you are full of youth, if you are not impotent, if you are a complete male or female and you reject the Great Arcanum in order to keep fornicating and you hide yourself within the speculations of your mind, then unhappiness to you, woe to you! Woe! Woe! Woe! It would be better for you not to have been born, because now you will inevitably tumble into the abyss.

Study the answer of your question here
10 years ago
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Thank you Lion of Judah for your prompt response.

But what about the story of the Virgin birth? That the Christ was born of a virgin. Is not the point of this story that Christ consciousness is born out of the virgin (spotless, stainless, pure, unadulterated) mind?

Isn't the point of the crucifixion about how Christ (consciousness) is raised only when we sacrifice the physical body (through meditation)?

If we can only incarnate Christ through sex with another then how does the doctrine of Sexual Magic fit in with the nativity and the crucifixion story?
10 years ago
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