By Hatesick on Sunday, 01 September 2013
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What exactly does Samael mean by his condemnation of bookish culture? It almost seems impossible to completely abandon education through books, most notably the classics, but is the goal of being erudite really so bad? It's just hard to understand when this website produces hundreds of lectures and transcripts and articles?
Bookish culture, without the internal guidance of the Innermost, is harmful, because what happens with many students who study, but do not practice and experience, is that they develop terrible pride and, moreover, defeatism, psychological impotence, and desperation, because they have never experienced the truths contained within the sacred writings.

However, spiritual intellectual culture, guided by the wisdom of the Innermost, is essential to spiritual studies. This is due to the fact that many "spiritual" people have experiences, but that are not in accordance with the guidance of the great masters through scripture. We state scientifically that if an internal experience does not coincide with physical facts, we must disregard the psychic experience as an illusion. Great Initiates always have balanced strong spiritual intellectual culture with their esoteric discipline in meditation. That is why the greatest initiates have always been very educated, spiritually and intellectually.

Without this type of Dianoetic analysis, one easily falls into stupidity and fanaticism. To not read because one thinks it is being overly "intellectual" is a sophism of distraction. To read a lot without practicing the teachings is also another sophism of distraction. One must not fall into either extreme, but to balance the three brains through cognizance of their functions. To avoid being a "stupid saint" or a intellectual Pharisee, there must be harmony and balance between knowledge and being, as it was stated in Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology.
We disseminate spiritual intellectual culture, decency, refinement, logical analysis, conceptual synthesis, academic culture, higher mathematics, philosophy, science, art, religion etc. Therefore, in no way whatsoever are we willing to continue to accept the gossip of hallucinating people nor the madness of dreamers.
-Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
10 years ago
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