By Hatesick on Wednesday, 28 August 2013
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What are some deaths comparable to Jesus Christs'? I've been doing research and I wondered if there were any other founders of religions that had something comparable? If you find something, please share. I know Buddha had some bad food, Mohammed had Pneumonia, Samael died of Cancer, Socrates death by gentle hemlock, Julius Caesar by those vile senators, but none of these are even comparable, so please help!

To ignore physical reality is hardly a facet of Gnosticism. It is necessary to note that there are two truths as described within esotericism and Mahayana Buddhism: conventional and ultimate. The ultimate is spiritual, the conventional is material. Those who ignore the realities of their daily life will not realize the internal spiritual factors that vivify them, because Malkuth is the spring board to initiate spiritual life, and is the alchemical amalgamation of all the forces of the cosmos.

Therefore, there must be a negotiation between the internal states of man and the external events of life if there is to be any development of wisdom. This is well documented in Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology and Endocrinology and Criminology.

In terms of other martyrs, see "The Passion of Mansur Al-Hallaj" in The Doomed Aryan Race.
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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How can we "know them by their fruits" if Gnosticism only cares about internal things? And sees no importance in physical reality?
10 years ago
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