By Melanie on Thursday, 18 July 2013
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I have recently discovered Gnosis so am not too well versed in the writings of Samael Aun Weor yet. Could one of the instructors direct me to teachings that will help me understand an experience I had recently:After spending a few days meditating on Hindu philosophy and reading some Hegel I had a change of consciousness that lasted around half a day. There was a feeling of detachment from my usual 'life'. Everything seemed to have a golden glow, like how things look as the sun begins to set. I felt I understood how everything in the universe connected and why, and I felt a deep compassion for those who didn't have this ability. I no longer felt fear because I knew there was nothing to fear. As the feeling wore off I can not exactly remember it because it can not be accurately described or remembered... only experienced.
Is there some particular literature or practice that will be beneficial to my learning about such states and what they are/mean?

Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology

For as it was stated at the Greek temple of Delphi: "Man, know thyself, and thou wilt know the universe and its gods!"
10 years ago
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Thank you - I will take a look. I love that quote from the Oracle of Delphi.
10 years ago
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