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How are the Gods that live in the higher dimension subjected to the wheel of samsara, even though they have passed the four bodies of sins or desires: the bodies are Physical, Vital, Astral, and mental..I mean they gained immortality, The Gods are Demi God's/Titans and God's as in the term of The Gods who are envied by the Titans.
How is the middle Path harder than the spiral path..and is the middle Path faster than the spiral path.

"Love is the highest religion...” - Samael Aun Weor
1. The "gods" are masters of various levels, so they have some liberated consciousness, but the ego is still alive. Therefore, they are hasnamussen. As the Bhavachakra course explains, as long as the ego is alive, we have karma, and are thus bound by the wheel. Only those who have no karmic debts are freed from the wheel.

2. Study The Path of the Bodhisattva.
11 years ago
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