Sunday, 02 June 2013
  3 Replies
  2.1K Visits
what If I didn't ejaculate my semen all my life (except some unintentionally like in wet dreams) ? no pornography no masturbation no even adultery ? Will that make me awaken the consciousness ? or I must do pranayma and listen to music and practice sports and having fun to transmute the sexual energy ?
11 years ago
Only conscious efforts will awaken the consciousness. Transmutation is necessary.

In fact, if you attempt to neither transmute nor fornicate, you will end up developing in a negative way. Sexual energy will develop itself in one way or another, if we do not transmute and we do to fornicate, then we will develop Poisonioonoskirian Vibrations (poisonous vibrations). In other words, we will degenerate. Our own sexual energy will become rotten and poison our mind. This is unfortunately what happens to some 'religious' people who do not have sex, yet do not transmute either. They develop very hypocritical minds, among other things. In severe cases, a form of infantile sexual desire develops, which is the reason behind some forms of pedophilia.
11 years ago
so we can say just conscious breathing is enough in pranayama without the the ham sah mantras or ton sah ham ton ra ham mantras ? thanks a lot.
11 years ago
so we can say just conscious breathing is enough in pranayama without the the ham sah mantras or ton sah ham ton ra ham mantras ? thanks a lot.

Everything works to its own degree. Use the mantras to transmute the energy more powerfully. If you are single and not practicing with a spouse, then you should be using the mantras. Even if you are parciticing with a spouse, the mantras are still recommended.
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