By Tenortone21 on Saturday, 18 May 2013
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What should I eat to make mindfulness much easier. I find that the more I take care of my nervous system by eating right, using vitamins, Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, and sleeping more deeply makes it extremely easy for me to be mindful all day long. Has anyone else had this experience?
Diet should help your religion. It should not be your religion. Although diet can help, it cannot awaken consciousness, since "Not that which goeth into he mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man" (Matthew 15:11). Only conscious efforts and voluntary sufferings, impelled through the intimate psycho-spiritual pressure of the Being, can awaken consciousness. However, a good diet can help you awaken more if you know how to clean and take care of your body, since this is the foundation of yoga practice as described by the author M. in The Dayspring of Youth.

Cleaning the blood is important for esoteric discipline, since the blood is the vehicle of the spirit. A diet composed of many leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and fruits is highly conducive to assimilation and activation of Sattva (wisdom) within one's interior, which the great Swami Sivananda recommended for meditators seeking a more stable and calm mind. A diet heavy in meat and stimulants, however, produces lethargy (Tamas, inertia) and excessive toxicity in the body (propelled by Rajas: energy, motion), which easily disturb the mind and can make a person lazy.

Meat should only comprise a very minor portion of our diet. Too much meat overstimulates animal desire and fills one's psyche with animal atomic forces that, without proper discipline within oneself, can easily take control of a person, whereby the tongue rules the person rather than the other way around. However, in accordance with the needs of one's body, one should ingest meat when necessary in a balanced and holistic fashion.

While a good diet is very important, it does not awaken consciousness. Yet if you know how to awaken consciousness, your diet can help you, not the other way around.
11 years ago
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