By Shana Jones on Thursday, 16 May 2013
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I have done some research on dreamcatchers, and see that traditionally, they are to represent a positive form of "catching evil spirits" while children sleep. Do you have any insight on this, and is it safe to place one over my children's beds?
Dream-catchers can be effective when the parent, guardian, or person utilizing them bless the objects with dedicated prayer and invocation to Christ. What is most effective is not so much the object itself, but the spiritual "charge" or psychic voltage impregnated within it through the power of love, compassion and protection from the Lord. There are many atomic forces at work with which we are very unfamiliar, but if we awaken our consciousness and constantly pray, we will become very aware of their influence, and can direct positive forces for the protection and betterment of our family, friends and children.
10 years ago
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