Wednesday, 11 January 2012
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<p>The book "occult medicine and practical medicine" lists a mantra cure for the mental body (S M HON) and several for the physical body (IN EN ON UN AN), but to my knowledge nothing for the astral body.</p>
<p>I'd be interested as I have a lot of stress (which, I agree should be cured with a lot of meditation, as I already do) and would like to know if there are such mantras for the astral body also, as it is the place of emotions and should thus be the originator of my physical problems I see due to a lot of stress (If I understand it correctly).</p>
<p>So the question is indeed if such a cure exists, as an extra to internal meditation and the Tibetan rites, that I also practice (almost) daily.</p>
<p>Kind regards,</p>
<p> </p>
12 years ago
Accepted Answer
Stress is caused by unresolved conflicts in the psyche. The best cure for stress is to address the problem that is causing it.

Students are stressed when having homework, but no matter how much they meditate or drink tea or sit in a hot bath, the stress will not be resolved until the work is done. It is better to get the work done first, then one can truly relax.

Whenever stress is an issue we need to analyze it: in every case, the cause of stress is our psychological scenario, not our physical scenario. Some people get stressed open a cardboard box, or other simple, meaningless actions. This stress is merely a psychological habit. Other people can be responsible for the lives of others, yet be relaxed and serene, free of stress. This also, is psychological.

If we can solve the problem that is causing stress, then we do not need to be stressed, we just need to implement the solution. And if there is no solution, then we do not need to be stressed, because there is nothing we can do! :) In this way, we can abandon the habit of being stressed.

Stress is a psychological habit that is cured through attention, analysis, and action. The emotional component of stress can be cured through learning how to prevent the arising of stress in the first place. Learn how you create stress, and you can stop doing it.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

12 years ago
Accepted Answer
Stress is caused by unresolved conflicts in the psyche. The best cure for stress is to address the problem that is causing it.

Students are stressed when having homework, but no matter how much they meditate or drink tea or sit in a hot bath, the stress will not be resolved until the work is done. It is better to get the work done first, then one can truly relax.

Whenever stress is an issue we need to analyze it: in every case, the cause of stress is our psychological scenario, not our physical scenario. Some people get stressed open a cardboard box, or other simple, meaningless actions. This stress is merely a psychological habit. Other people can be responsible for the lives of others, yet be relaxed and serene, free of stress. This also, is psychological.

If we can solve the problem that is causing stress, then we do not need to be stressed, we just need to implement the solution. And if there is no solution, then we do not need to be stressed, because there is nothing we can do! :) In this way, we can abandon the habit of being stressed.

Stress is a psychological habit that is cured through attention, analysis, and action. The emotional component of stress can be cured through learning how to prevent the arising of stress in the first place. Learn how you create stress, and you can stop doing it.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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