By zero on Sunday, 10 March 2013
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In the thread 'Creative Emotion' Matthew Thomas indicated that the human organism undergoes a series of developmental phases until reaching the age of 35 or thereabouts.

My question is whether the developmental phases that one passes through are regulated by the three gunas, namely; Tamas, Rajas and Sattva?
The three gunas influence everything in accordance with karma. We have a psychological, physiological, emotional disposition that we have developed mechanically through the ages. In each lifetime, we are predisposed egotistically towards one guna. This guna influenced the development of our three brains, and influences our moment to moment perception, digestion, thinking, feeling, etc. Our way of thinking, feeling, and our body (a karmic expression) are sattvic, tamasic, or rajasic. Knowing this disposition can lead us towards balance. Nevertheless: it is egotistical, not a quality of the Being. In this regard, it is similar to our astrological disposition: something mechanical.
11 years ago
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